Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

These TWO full moons give you Emotional and intuitive guidance for the rest of the year


TWO Super FULL MOONs June 22-25 + July 19-22

This solar gate of Summer kicks off in the sign of Cancer…. It’s encouraging more self-care through your dedicated vigilance to well-being.

How you take care of yourself evolves into a kinder, more caring way to engage with the whole world…especially in your important relationships.

Many years ago I was in a loveless, abusive relationship. My self esteem was zero and it felt like nothing was going right. I was so distracted with my own drama, I didn’t recognize the opportunity for a lucrative promotion at work. Fuuuuuuuuuck!

Once I began to heal the separation between my thoughts and emotions, I was able to focus. I got a promotion shortly after, but not THE promotion I wanted.

Sadly, I realized that my workplace AND my living arrangements were NOT respectful to my wellbeing.

I was working 80 hours a week, and always felt the imposed stress of falling behind. My boss had no problem calling me at midnight.

I knew I deserved respect and love in my relationship too. I also knew that I wouldn’t find either with the man I was living with.

Knowing what I didn’t want lead me to what I DID want…and I started believing in what was, and IS ,possible for me. (I work for myself! Happily married 25 years!)

I had to honor my emotions and use my intuition, mindfully. Consciously. Practically.

You can too.

Your emotions can be a barometer.

They’re a message and a signal from your soul, and can lead you to information that’s important.

Noticing your emotions in this way, is an actual intuitive power that can be tapped into.

(Intuition enhancing practices, relaxation techniques, healing and more in the Membership area now)

The current solar cycle is in Cancer, an intuitive water sign.

The preservation aspect and nature of the Cancer Sun combines for a few days with the no-nonsense approach of a Capricorn Full Moon. 2 of them!!!!

You can create reliable changes that last.

You can up-level your standards and gift yourself the self care you deserve.

However, emotional fluctuations are likely.

If you’re a water sign, (Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio) you’ll feel this even more.

So try not to let upsets or outbursts ruin your flow.

Your relationships may get challenged with all the flux, but trust me, this is an opportunity to actually get closer.

Embrace Responsibility

This may sound unsexy, but if you’ve got unmet goals, the full moon Capricorn energy is one of the most determined signs you can tap in to.

Responsability is just your ABILITY to RESPOND. Which actually IS pretty sexy.

You can tap into the hard-working aspect of yourself that really wants you to make the disciplined changes that are for your own good (in a self-honoring way, of course) right now.

 These are the very gifts that this timing offers!

It’s so important that there’s TWO full moons in this Cancer/Capricorn configuration. So..more chances to get it right.


Y’know if someone like me can manage to become a wellness and relationship coach working with hundreds of women and couples who want to de-stress, enjoy life, and get more love…

AND Somehow manage to get paid to use my quirky astrological intuitiveness to help others meet their goals… then what’s holding YOU back? 

Now’s the perfect time…

You can boost your intuition, get clear on the choices infront of you (even if you don’t see them just yet), or rewire your nervous system for pleasure and delight instead of aggravation and disappointment

In this blessed timing, you’ll get access to exclusive content that will supercharge your journey. We’re talking transformational workshops, soulful meditations, and practical tools to help you manifest your dreams. And the best part? This membership is a sacred space you can access 24/7, where you can be your authentic self and grow beyond your wildest dreams. 🌟⚡

Enjoy the 2 full moons this Cancer Season + Check out the uplifting practices in the Cosmic Self Care Membership