Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Unlock your magic: Self care secrets for Gemini season


Are you consciously enjoying fun and variety in your life?

Or do you find yourself actively recreating the same-same, day after day?

The Gemini frequency just loves probable futures and new ideas.

Art by Erte. “Twin Sisters”

It’ll influence you to explore possibilities even if you didn’t intend to.

This is good.

Especially if you want to get better at expressing yourself.

You know, talking and communication.

Art and creativity.

All of it.

Communication starts with your inner dialogue.

If you let the anxious, angry version of a critical parent, teacher, boss, or any other random shmuck pollute your head, it easily becomes your inner voice.

Because whatever you’re telling yourself -is going to take priority over everything in your reality.

Because what you’re telling yourself- is what you actually believe.

BUUUT There is real power here. So use it!

It's in that moment
you remember you're divine
and unlimited.

This timing gives you a chance to change your perception of reality. 

But you’ll have to be open to (or at least curious about) the other ways of doing things..or at least how you speak about them..

You can totally do this.

Like how creating haiku is one way I clarify my thinking.

Or how I love dancing -as a way to get tangible, actionable, guidance. For real.

For the Goddess sisters reading this..check out the Sacred Dance of the Muses. it can be a catalyst for your best ideas and also an enjoyable workout. Also, research shows dance and movement are used successfully to target depression and depressive symptoms in adults and children (1.Dunphy et al., 2019).

Self Care as a form of creative expression

It’s an opportunity to express yourself, a fleeting feeling, a deep knowing, a subtle vibe. Whatever you want it to be. It’s expressing creatively something that’s in your head.

Creation and growth are required for wellness and fulfillment.

Do you know which self care practices do this for you? There’s a ton of variety here. Different personalities and different scenarios require different things.

The creative magic of the Gemini transit is also helpful for solving an old (or new) problem. If you can allow yourself to get curious, and expand your mind… you grow.

There’s a process in the sanctuary that turns irritation into inspiration, for example.

Do you want to see how that could be possible for you too?

Gemini Dorina Costras

ART: Gemini by Dorina Costras

Pay attention, this cosmic timing energizes thoughts -mercurial quick.

If your thoughts are too-too quick, judgmental or filled with jumped conclusions, its probably the ego’s interpretation of what’s actually happening…weep-whommmp.

Also, beware of susceptibility to taking other people’s skewed-views and making them more real than your own.

I blame the expertise of the standard media. A diet of misleading propaganda, gossipy lies and fakey-fake AI garbage…it’s hard to not let that happen.

However, the ‘evil-twin’ side of this perspective- is becoming so self righteous.. that you’re pretty sure that your way… is the only way…

Funny thing is, during a Gemini transit you might suddenly change your mind.

Good for you!..But maddening for everyone else. LOL.

Self care and Sourcing the truth

Clear communication through spoken & written words is a sacred power. You’ll have to go deeper then the common-superficial to access the source of truth.

If you’re willing to try on real honesty with yourself, or a kinder range of communication with others, you’ll keep things interesting and flowing. If you prefer to sort it out privately with a trustworthy coach that’s smart too.

Naming or identifying your feelings can help you focus your power on the present moment, where all possibilities exist. Doing this relaxed works even better.

Try it some of the well-timed self care in the members area now for more cosmic oomph.

Stress management and stress relief are integral to sourcing the truth.

Reminder: Your own feelings are a kind of truth too.

Next, Here’s what to watch out for:

The challenge of successful communication in your relationships is to feel safe enough to share yourself in your favorite way. Be understood. Then listen.

Sometimes you say the same things, and react the same way, and wonder why you don’t get what you want…again.

You can’t connect with your guides, listen for answers, those eerie whistling wind-whispers, or stellar-star signals when you’re distracted or pissed off.

You can’t establish or maintain any semblance of understanding (or romance!) when you feel that way either.

But you can connect to your essence though the meditative, relaxing or invigorating practices in the online sanctuary. Remember functional exercise also has a way of improving your mood and making you feel powerful. Get all of that and more in the membership area

Is it time for you to adventure-forward, faster, into the future? Could be!

You can learn new ways of expression that really embody the way you feel. I love, love, love helping creative, awesome people find their authentic voice of expression while negotiating the nuances of relationships in a way that feels great.

New perspectives are essential for staying inspired and growing.

So is self care!

Get this free report 7 sacred ways to relieve stress.

Also, remember, relationships don’t just happen with people..You also have a relationship with your body, your work/art/projects, and and also with your reactions, beliefs and memories.

It’s time to make good things happen.

Cosmic Self Care is a seasonally timed sacred space that offers a variety of resources, from relaxation techniques to creative exercises, all designed to support your self-care journey. Start here.