Listen in unmute and follow along below…
Your perception is likely to be challenged.
All you thought was real. Meaningful..may not have been what it seemed.
This sounds as if it sucks a bunch, but it’s actually good.
We can’t forget that the laws of physics (as we currently understand them) here on Earth, are influenced by temperature, pressure, and space anomalies. Various planetary bodies coming closer or moving away in cycles not seen in generations…+Solar flares that are hurling protons at us from space..
To understand, you have to remember, we’re all just travelers out here in the cosmos..

Age of Aquarius shows up like science fiction.
The Aquarius symbol is actually energy waves ♒.
I know, I know, it looks like water… But it’s actually an air sign.
There’s that huge level of ‘unseen’ in air. That invisible part of our reality that is actually very real.
Like a remote control, no need to leave your seat. Press the button. Better than getting up to change a channel, right? Electricity and all radiating energy.
Also telepathic loving intentions, reiki and other types of energy healing. Vibration, frequency. All of it.
Even cell phones and towers, wireless device transmissions that activate from a long distance. They connect us, but are negatively impacting sperm count, mitochondria, chromosomal changes AND the entire nervous system (which includes eyes and ALL the nerves)too. So watch it.

It’s clear that there’s been a disconnect with ethics and technocracy… and it does have the potential to get way out of control during this ‘Age of Aquarius’.
Drone delivery by big box stores. Military drone swarms. Weaponized robot dogs. Who’s the asshole that turned on Skynet?
Elon musk says his Tesla robot will be mass produced for around $20k and can grocery shop, make you breakfast and fold your laundry…then work around the clock in your factory and office without sleep or wages.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 1, 2022

Other scientists are working on perfecting artificial wombs and placentas. So perhaps pregnant catgirl robots are next?
Prepare to be amazed. It’s gonna get a lot weirder.
I believe we must get smart about energy waves and our health and the health of the plant life on Earth. It’s time to protect the people and the planet and find harmonious, maybe unusual, solutions that benefit everyone and everything.
There are also lots of tech solutions out there, some are good, and many of them are not designed for our well-being. These drones, AI platforms and ‘quantum’ computers and data processing centers require MORE energy. Amazon and other corporations would LOVE to have small modular nuclear reactors as their power sources to help usher in more profit, but will it be safe?
I know we can learn to use technology responsibly, and for the good of all.
Listen, doomscrolling through hours of negative bullshit, is not sustainable. You deserve better.
This is something I’ve been considering for years now –as Aquarius rules technology of all kinds –and the big 29 year Pluto transit is here.
Right now. Literally, the ‘Age of Aquarius’.
Luckily the Aquarius archetype is a humanitarian & really does want what’s best for everybody.
You have every astrological archetype within you… A little, or a lot. All of the Aquarius in your natal astrology chart is being activated, triggered and empowered all at the same time now.
This timing is telling all of us to get better at telepathy, intention and thought power. Being discerning. Learning. I offer opportunities for each, as part of Cosmic Self Care subscription..
Connecting deeply with people, and staying present in the moment is getting harder as we accelerate into the robot future. But we can convey, say or write some kind of personal affectionate expressions to show kindness, love, passion…emails and thoughtful messages totally count too.
We can listen to the voices of the ones we trust and love .
We can add more love. Hug and stuff. Try not to be a robot.
Side benefit: If you can try to acknowledge your phone addiction (beep boop ping!), your neck will be less crimped up.

That’s just one good reason to start a gentle yoga practice with me also better posture and relief for ‘forward head syndrome’ and ‘Tech- Neck’.
Don’t be a slouch.
The Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary is an online space especially good for getting your neck-nerves de-jangled. Inside, you might try a gentle stretch, chakra yoga or energy healing session You could practice consciously releasing tension, becoming more flexible as you limber up and soothe your nervous system.
Try out the simple tools in the members area that focuses your brain-power on multifaceted intuitive solutions for your current challenges. Optional reminders too. Use them… or don’t. It’s all optional. Which way would be the most interesting? fun? Each month you’ll find so many tools, practices and ways to explore your way back to your center.
Keep breathing.
The new ‘Aquarian’ way will feature experiments of some sort.
Also, something non-conformist, maybe shockingly strange and unorthodox.
Which is one of the reasons why this timing is also great for a do-over.

Aquarius energy offers you an opportunity to rethink your too-small strategy.
Maybe your vision statement doesn’t excite you anymore. It’s Ok! If you’re restless for more flexibility and freedom, then get some! This is THE timing for it.
While you’re out looking for unusual solutions that are creative, and imaginative, ask better questions…What good can I do in the world? Am I done being compliant? Am I done deflecting my anger? How can I use the power of my words?
You can be more effective with this kind of expansiveness..and focus your power on these themes in a workshop that’s free for members of the COSMIC SANCTUARY more details here.
I think more people need to emphasize all the good qualities in their unique Genius ….and more playfulness that honors the inner child. So I lead a training about how to do this here and it’s ALSO included for current members.
I have good intentions for your emergent future!
All of our futures!
It’s time for connecting more vortexes of peace & plenty, connecting to sacred practices of the season, at your convenience, of course….Visit the virtual sanctuary that serves as a portal of comfort & joy while you relax or recharge…get you feeling good and connected to your heart again. Fast.
In addition, just like bi-location, modern technology allows me to dance, heal, and journey with you. Whenever you want…Remember, you are in control of your vibration and what you tune into matters. (Like, literally, it turns into matter.)
Uplift your vibration..or change your vibration entirely. It’s up to you.
Find all the content upgrades I mentioned and MORE in the Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary.