-Sister Goddess K.C

“What I have always loved about your sessions is how it seems to be a ‘cleansing time’ for me no matter what the content of the class is..Good for my Mental, Spiritual and Physical Self……Better than Therapy!”
–Sister Goddess K.M Patchogue, NY
“Jess is the absolute best!!! She’s one of the kindest, coolest, most magical women I’ve ever met !! All her classes are totally amazing. ???” Sister K.R.
“I experienced Jessamina at a Sacred Dance workshop. She was kind and encouraging. We laughed and danced and were very uplifted by the end of our time.” Sister L.D.
“The perfect way to balance a workout, inspiration, fun, acceptance, relaxation and love.
A wonderful place for me to explore myself in such a safe environment.
All of the things I learned will stay with me; I love myself and my body (including my curves!),I look at every woman as a Goddess, I can do anything I set my mind to, I feel good when I shake it,I will be forever grateful”
-Sister Goddess E.P.
Sister Goddess D.L.
“The girls LOVED you. On the ride home they couldn’t believe that you had 3 boys ! They said you looked like a gypsy that just went through life like a wind blowing. One of the girls said she wants to be like you when she grows up ! How great is that. Anyway, I want to pass your info to our girlscout service unit because the girls loved LOVED the class.”
Debra Rotunno, Girlscout Leader
“Jessamina encourages spiritual progression in a way that is empowering, because of the hands on and practical application her lessons have in everyday life. She offers tools for understanding, enjoyment, connection and the wisdom that self discovery and self care are the first steps towards experiencing this beautiful life to its fullest. It is said that a great teacher doesn’t tell you what to see, they just take you to the best vantage point to experience the view. This is where a journey with Jessamina begins. Highly recommend for those who want to joyfully explore and expand their experience here on this pale blue dot our bodies call home.” Rev. April Smith
“My heart was happy and I had sooo much more energy through today. This work with you has been such an important part of seeing myself in a new way.” -Sister Goddess M.B
“We are so thankful to have you in our lives….
the class this month was wonderful and I cannot wait to pick it up again… love you Goddess”
-Sister Goddess S.W. Lindenhurst, NY
“I am pretty impressed by your magic! You are wonderfully creative and innovative! And fun!”
Goddess C.H. Bellport, Ny
“Thank you so much for your entertainment this weekend. I think a lot of women had a lot of fun learning to belly dance and find their inner Goddess.”
-Nancy Irving, Event coodinator
Jessamina is highly intuitive and a beautiful healing spirit. You will love any experience you have with her !! -Sister J.K.
Sister Goddess R.G.
“Had fun and I feel great. [finally] slept like a baby!”
-Sister Goddess E.L.
“Thanks so much for the beautiful Goddess experience last night.
I enjoyed it so much and felt empowered after leaving your doors”
-Sister Goddess C.C.L.
“It was rejuvenating to move my body in a way that made me feel completely alive & at one with the goddess within ~The Ultimate Goal!! ;)”
–Sister Goddes R.G.
My body felt amazing and I truly enjoyed myself.”
Sister Goddess N.S.
Want me at your location or for your group? Go here!