Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships


THIS CONTENT IS AVAILABLE UNTIL FEBRUARY 18th in The cosmic Self care membership

Working with the Solar gate of Aquarius to:

  • create gentle, effective CHANGE
  • Connect to your PURPOSE
  • Practice grounding to get more FLOW
  • Honor and identify your BOUNDARIES.
  • How to work with your ANGER constructively .

Did you know that Anger increases risk of having a heart attack by 230%? (Besides Social consequences from having frequent intense anger there’s unfavorable cardiovascular-related outcomes as well. Anger proneness may place you at significant risk for Coronary Heart Disease morbidity & death independent of established biological risk factors. Not cool. ) Manage your anger and create some change that FEELS GOOD!

Get access to this workshop.

Free to COSMIC SELF CARE members until February 18.

Outside this timeframe and/or want my personal help with this? Go here.

You’ll ALSO get access to:

  • MORE practices you can access anytime like sacred dance, mini-workouts, yoga and more
  • MORE ways to manage anxiety and stress that take only minutes to do.
  • MORE opportunities for focusing on your true passions, so you can plan for success & elevate your relationships at the same time…
  • MORE calming prompts and self-guided strategies and meditations that ease your mind through each monthly phase.
  • MORE mindfulness of the seasonal cycles, nature’s wisdom, and astronomical marvels.
  • MORE philosophical contemplation, focus and deep thought that comes through your heart, mind AND spirit…and handy-dandy reminders of your brilliance if you want or need them.
  • MOOOORE Blessings, energy healings and playful prompts. On-demand.
  • MORE COOL STUFF: like, the BONUS Seasonal Time bending workshop, so you can actually find-the-time, relax, flow & prepare for what’s important, along w/reminders if you need or want them.
  • MORE Love, productiveness and creativity flourishing with more ease.
  • MORE self care. Access whenever or wherever. On vacation or hiding out in your car for 5 minutes.

Yes to that and more.