(This is an advanced reiki technique..However, you do not need to be attuned to reiki to use it!)
I’ll also send you the upcoming date for the Monthly Reiki World Peace day, where you tune in and receive a distance healing.
Reiki Helps Accomplish Your Divine Purpose if you are:
- a women’s circle leader
- healer, nurse, doctor, midwife, chiropractor, surgeon, medical assistant
- in the beauty, self care, and wellness industry
- a birth partner or doula (click here for more info specifically for birth)
- a therapist
- a life coach
- a fitness leader
- a meditation facilitator
- a service professional..
Increase your professional Practice add the Healing Art of Reiki to your current body of work
Increase your own personal energy with reiki..it keeps you from becoming depleted is you are a:
- a caretaker
- a loving lover
- a parent of young children
- a parent of grown children that live far away(distance reiki is taught in reiki II)
- a caretaker to animals
- an empath
- a sympathetic friend…
- or a relative of someone who is in need of healing
Healing others while expanding your current capacity for love improves all your relationships too.

I believe that Reiki is a part of Evolution…
As a 12 years old, I was already helping my friends with their problems by consulting the tarot. I could I could help them understand themselves (and that cute boy!) better with Astrology. For my 13th Birthday, I attended a 3 day intensive called The Silva Mind Method with my Father (who was a Silva Graduate back in the 70’s). One of the components of the training was Distance Healing & Diagnostics. Even at that tender age, I saw how important and valuable it was to be able to do this kind of work. In meditation, that Very day, I created an adult-future version of myself becoming a healer.As a serendipitous twist, the program was taught personally by the founder and creator of the program, Jose Silva and his Daughter Laura.
As a teen I continued my healing art studies with shamanism, herbal magic and remedies, aromatherapy, and crystal healing. (..and everything I could find, related to these subjects!). My dad became a Reiki Master almost 20 years later, and shared his knowledge, training and Mastership with me, right about the time my mom opened up the Goddess Shoppe in Sayville, NY.
I found reiki to be a wonderful modality of healing, it did not require any other special trainings, deep meditative states, or hard-to-obtain objects or ingredients. (..doesn’t mean I don’t use those, though if I’m called to do so!)
Now I have three children of my own , all of them are Reiki Attuned. They use Reiki so matter-of-factly, I’ve grown to believe that all children should be attuned! I imagine the “hundredth monkey effect” would take place for the next generation…everyone would come into this world knowing how to practice energy Healing, naturally more sensitive to energy fields ..Doing so as a compassionate species filled with love. (homo-luminous? ..maybe.)
Each attunement opens the crown chakra, awakening and activating the pineal and pituitary glands . Side effects include: More clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant experiences, and a feeling of being conected to everything.
..Whatever you call that, my friend, looks a lot like Evolution to me!

‘The Promise of a Developing Reiki Practice’
-from the Advanced Reiki Manual
“Being raised into ever greater levels of joy and peace, simply by placing your hands on another. Watching your life grow and develop as your continued immersion in Reiki transforms your attitudes, values and beliefs. Sensing that because of your commitment to help others, Beings of light are focusing their love and healing on you and carefully guiding you on your spiritual path. This is the promise of a developing Reiki Practice.”
Reiki Level I Training
Provide your email to learn more about workshop dates, or email me for a private Reiki Spa day Experience, or Red Tent Reiki with Munay-Ki rite of the womb.
Level one Certificataion- The First Reiki Attunement..You will be attuned to the Reiki Ray and will begin using it right away! History, How it works, attunement, the Reiki manual and practice time are included in this workshop..
- Learn the origin of reiki
- Learn techniques for healing and scanning with your hands
- Learn about the Chakras and the Auric energy fields of the body
- Become attuned to the reiki ray and begin using reiki on yourself and others right away
- Experience giving and receiving reiki .
Reiki Level II training
Provide your email to learn more about workshop dates, or email me for a private learning and attunement Experience.

Get access to more of the Reiki Ray, and the ability to change habits, work on the emotional field of the client (or yourself) and use distance Reiki, (which can even be used to send reiki to the past and future).Most practitioners that you meet are at this level. I personally bought a table when I became attuned to Reiki II, and moved from “practicing” on everyone who would let me, to setting up full hour sessions with paying clients. Deep Compassion is an pronounced side effect of this level to keep you grounded and committed, connected to source and staying clear, so you may continue your healing work. (pre-requisite is Reiki I)
Reiki III- Advanced Reiki Training
Provide your email to learn more about workshop dates, or email me for a private Reiki Spa day Experience, or Red Tent Reiki with Munay-Ki rite of the womb.
Deeper understanding of Reiki I & II experiences, working with Healing Symbols and crystals,
Attunement to one Master Symbol and
the benefits of full access to the Reiki Ray
Increasing Personal Power and Confidence
Moving Meditation
Aura Clearing
Crystals for Healing
and more..
(pre-requisite is Reiki I at least 6 months Ago,
practice at Reiki II level and reiki II proficiency)
An Advanced Reiki Training Manual is Included
Also called called A.R.T…I love this! Is a pre-requisite for becoming a Reiki Master. At this level, You are given the full benefit of the Reiki Ray and your guides come closer to you and work with you directly. You will learn advanced techniques for healing, such as psychic surgery and Aura Clearing. You become attuned to a master symbol that translates from Japanese,”Great Being of the Universe, Shine on Me, be my friend”. It was after this attunement that I became much more clairaudient and claircognizant (psychic!). I began receiving channeled messages and healing energy from angels, goddesses and loved ones that have crossed over. What will unfold for you?
Are you looking to establish your divine presence
and accomplish your life’s purpose?
Receive a simple, yet powerful exercise to instantly feel connected to your divine purpose. (this is an advanced reiki technique, however, you do not need to be attuned to reiki to use it)
enter your email address for access to the training video now
Mastership attunement
..for a private learning and attunement experience…locations such as The Spa, The Rose garden, the Butterfly Atrium, or another agreed upon location.
By deciding to take this step, you will have started a process that will exponentially enhance your skills as a healer. Many transformations will take place, some will be very apparent, and some will be just beneath the surface of your everyday awareness, yet will benefit you and those around you. These changes may have already begun, if you’ve been thinking about becoming a Reiki Master.
The nature of this type of study- the development of your connection to reiki evolves continually, healing you on deeper levels and developing your ability to channel ever more refined and compassionate levels of healing energy. This is a joyous path that will continue on as long as you choose to remain a seeker.
This is the master attunement which allows you to initiate, or attune others to Reiki. You will learn all the initiations/attunements and the ‘Violet breath’ technique. At this level you become a Reiki Master Teacher! The more people know this healing art, the better.
Pre-requisites: As an advanced reiki practitioner, you will have ample practice and proficiency of all previous levels of reiki. You will have received your first attunement to reiki over one year ago.
Your mastership day includes a Bonus Masterclass to assist you in feeling more confident as you contemplate becoming a reiki master/teacher.

This is an on-demand training I created, outside the standard Mastership curriculum. Specific how-to strategies for:
- Trusting your Reiki and Gaining the confidence of knowing that you can help many people.. without negative self-talk and ego taking you out before you even begin.
- Easy ways to get reiki into your daily routine to enjoyably strengthen your power in just minutes a day.
- Discovering how to easily connect with your first (or next!) lovely group of people that you can help with reiki classes or sessions.
- Leading a Reiki class or group with confidence so you and your participants will enjoy the experience.
- Becoming a powerful conduit for love and healing to Improve relationships, health, and finances for yourself and the whole world!
Your Reiki Master Curriculum is:
- Shinpiden (the mystery teachings)
- The violet breath technique for healing attunements
- a reiki meditation
- attunement to two Tibetan symbols, which allows you attuneme others to reiki.
- Instructions on how to teach a class
- a sample class outline for each level
- developing your practice
- all levels of attunements are discussed, demonstrated and practiced
- Your master handbook
- Your Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate
- your lineage (13 previous masters from me to Dr. Usui)
If you are working towards mastership, please contact me here
I may be able to help you reach your goals with obtaining clients for your required practice time through my own current clients’.
Connect with me here about your
- Private Mastership day for a private learning and attunement Experience at the spa, butterfly atrium rose garden or other agreed upon location
- Karuna Reiki
- for women optional Munay-Ki rite of the womb initiation.