Heal and relax, restore balance,
ease through transition, release the past,
and move forward with a higher vibration.

An in-person private sanctuary is created especially for you.
Distance Healing (anywhere in the world) at an appointed time.
Utilizing a combination of sacred healing modalities + Access Conciousness system + Usui Reiki and various relaxation techniques.
About Reiki:
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words:
“Rei”- means, Divine Wisdom or Higher Power “Ki” – means,”life force energy”.
Reiki is essentially “Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy.”
Reiki treats the root cause of dis-ease in the body, emotions, mind and/or spirit.
Reiki creates many beneficial effects that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security, overall well being and balance.
Did you know that 90% of illness is caused by stress?
Many have reported miraculous results with stress reduction alone!
Reiki is often experienced as a wonderful glowing radiance flowing through and around you as healing energy is being transferred.
This Healing Ritual is performed clothed with hands above the body, working in your body’s energy field..
Clearing and energizing each Chakra.
What some people are saying about healing sessions with Jess:
“Thank you again for a wonderful Reiki session!
I experienced things that I never had before. It was awesome!!
I had a good nights sleep even though I was home alone, and woke up in a good frame of mind.”
Sister Goddess R.R. Holbrook, NY
“No Pain!
Good Healing!
I am released from his (Orthopedic Doctor)care!
“A Complete and strong healing” as per his words!
And I know OUR Reiki time together was a huge part of it!
Love YOU GIRLFRIEND! Namaste!..and always Thanking you for that help..for being such a special part of my healing.”
Sister Goddess J.T. Yaphank, NY
“My first experience with Reiki was with Jess.
I felt a warming sensation all over my body, like I had 50 healing hands all over me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and a knot completely relaxed.
Then I felt a hand on my heart chakra. I felt a build up of energy there and then a major release.
I asked Jess if she had touched me at all, and she said her hands were never on me! I left there feeling so rejuvenated. ”
Sister Goddess Erin
About the ‘Access Consciousness Bars’ system
The “Bars System” is a modality that heals subconscious patterns
and thought processes that undermine your goals, desires and healing
by accessessing the higher consciousness that is absolute truth and love.
This system allows you to “delete” or “uncreate” the origin
of the disempowering untruth…
without needing to judge it or even process it.
The Access Consciousness ‘Bars’ are bars of energy that run through, and around your head.
They store electromagnetic “charges” around different aspects of life..
..in the form of memories, thoughts, beliefs, parental and ancestral implants, and even past lives.
The bars can be accessed, or “Run”, by lightly touching the corresponding points on your head.
They discharge all untruths, that you are holding about anything, effortlessly and easily releasing anything that doesn’t allow you to receive your highest good regarding:
Your Body/Others’ Bodies
Things, Structures, Forms
Joy & Sadness
Peace and Calm
Creativity and more…
Just clearing one of those access points , freeing you from all past preconceptions
limitations and judgements would open up a flood of possibility for you.
We access and run them all.
Using these healing modalities together has gotten phenomenal results for my Private Goddess Clients. Want to learn more about private sessions with me?
Are you interested in Becoming a healer & Learning the Healing art of Reiki?