1.) Positive Affirmations and Words
One of the best ways of tapping into your subconscious mind is by the use of positive affirmations and positive associative words. Affirmations and ‘good words’ bypass your conscious mind with its tendency to examine and judge everything and go straight to your subconscious mind for meaning.
Used consistently for a sustained period of time, positive affirmations can successfully reprogram your self-talk to make it more positive and aligned with your conscious goals too. This unleashes the power of your subconscious to help you achieve your goals because you will have removed the blocks created by self-doubt, worry, negative self-image, etc.
Using positive affirmations in this way is simple but not exactly easy. First, you need to know the biggest issues you have to work on. Pick the ones that stand directly between you and your goals, not the ones that are only minor obstacles. You might want to journal them so you know what you need to work on or you and I can identify and work through these together here.
Ideally begin with one single issue. This issue may be self-confidence, resources, fear, or anything that stands in your way. Find or create some positive affirmations around the feeling or outcome you want, whatever really speaks to you. You only need two or three affirmations, phrases or words. Choose carefully. This is an art. I’ve experienced the magic of Louise Hay, Florence Scovel Schinn, Mike Dooley, Joe Dispenza, yoga sutras, mantra and many other authors, speakers and teachers on the topic of “right Speech” so I’m good at reframing and uplifting language in a meaningful, sacred way.
The only requirements are a) these affirmations must be positive and b) they need to resonate with you. If both things are not true, you will not succeed with this method.
Practiced often, these affirmations and words will sink into your subconscious and slowly reprogram your self-talk and your self-image. The negative thoughts they are replacing will slowly fade and eventually become extinguished entirely. When you see success with one issue, move right on to the next!
2.) Meditation
You probably know about meditation and its many uses for health, wellness, mindfulness and wellbeing. It’s also one of the best, if not the best, methods of tapping into your subconscious known. It’s primarily used for that purpose, and has been for thousands of years because it works so well.
There are many forms of meditation. The most common, and the one you have probably heard about several times, is the method where you sit cross-legged and focus on your breathing while clearing your mind of all thoughts. That is one method, yes, but it doesn’t work for everyone.
Not only do some people not like traditional meditation, but others simply cannot use it due to ADHD or simply lack of focus and too many distractions. The other forms of meditation tend to be much more user-friendly.
A few of the kinds of meditation available for you to choose from include mantra/chanting meditation, movement mediation, progressive-relaxation meditation, focused meditation, mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, guided meditation, and visualization meditation.
You can spend months or years just trying different kinds of meditation to find the one that is best for you. You can login to the Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary now and practice any one of these!
Meditation will not only help you tap into your subconscious, but it will give you many other benefits as well. Meditation helps you relax, lowers stress, anxiety, and depression, and increases overall well-being.
Try several different kinds of meditation before you decide on the one (or ones) that you want to use for a personal ongoing or ritual practice. There is no rule saying you only have to do one type. You can switch back and forth whenever you want to. Which is one of the primary reasons I created the Self Care Sanctuary in the first place. Every day is different and what works for us varies from day to day, situation to situation.
Whichever form of meditation you decide to try, be sure to start slowly. Open to the awareness of the Subconscious. Even if for a few minutes at a time. Once you have the successful experience of it down to a routine, you can more easily access the subconscious mind on demand.
3.) Use Free Association -for intuitive access
Free association is a common technique used to access the innermost thoughts of your subconscious mind. These are the ones that you have trouble even attempting to tap into, much less expressing to yourself or others in any intelligible form.
Free association works well to let you express those thoughts and the feelings behind them. It is used for many applications, most particularly in therapy, but a less intense form of it has been used as a method of brainstorming creative ideas, accessing the subconscious as well as your intuition.
If you want to try free association, it is paramount that you do so in a quiet, safe space. Safe does not refer to physical safety here (though that is also important), but emotional safety. Do this exercise either alone or with people you trust to support you and not exercise judgment.
There are two ways to do free association. The first is topical. That is, you choose a topic -usually a single word -to base the session on. The second is completely free and just makes use of the first thought to come into your mind when you start the session.
Whenever you are ready to do a free association session, go to the space you have selected and make yourself comfortable. You can do this alone with a journal, alternatively you can try the “Intuitive access TOOL” or have a person you trust to facilitate, witness and assist the session.
You are going to be speaking or writing or typing your thoughts.
When you are ready, either think about the topic you have chosen or wait to see what comes to your mind. Begin speaking, writing or typing these thoughts out as they come up.
Do not analyze them.
Do not hold them back to see what they are. Do not judge them. Just speak them as they come to your mind.
Not judging or censuring will be difficult for the first few times. We all want to examine our thoughts before they leave our brains. We have filters in place to keep us from doing so, and you will have to let those filters down to use this method. I know you can!
Doing this lets you tap into your unconscious mind directly. Later you can go back and reflect.
If you try the tool, you’ll get an email with a few more ways of using your ‘raw material’. Login to access. You will learn much about yourself and your subconscious beliefs with this method.
4.) Daydream Visualizations
You’re probably familiar with the use of visualizations as a technique to help you achieve your goals and dreams and accessing your intuitive knowing. Deliberate visualizations are often used for the purpose of motivating you and training your subconscious mind to believe you can actually reach them and help you do it.
When you use visualizations that way, what you visualize is deliberate. You think about what you want and picture it in your mind. You see it, feel it, and taste it as if it were real in the here and now. You do this often and spend a good deal of time doing it every day.
You can also use a different visualization process to tap into your subconscious. Are you trying to understand your thoughts, feelings, or motivations? Are you not clear about what you want? Is your subconscious sending you mixed signals? Are you just plain confused about life?
Daydream visualizations can help you with all of these things.
This process is simple, but like many simple techniques, it is much harder to do it properly than it seems. The first thing you need to do is find a quiet place and make yourself comfortable. Noticing a pattern yet? Close your eyes and relax.
Now let your mind begin to drift. Do not try to guide it. Do not tell it what to do or what to think about. See what comes up. Let yourself drift into daydreaming like you are a child imagining riding a dragon or scoring the winning goal in the big game. Your friends cheering. Maybe you’re flying. Let it be irrational.
Whatever comes up and forms images in your mind will be your innermost dreams and desires, what you really want from life. Some of the things you daydream about might be things you had no idea you wanted.
Amazing how closely we sometimes guard our hearts.
Both your conscious and subconscious minds may try to fight you in this process. Often, we try to keep our innermost dreams secret from even ourselves to protect us from the hurt and rejection that can accompany them. We can be our own harshest critics.
It may take you several sessions to relax enough and let your guard down enough to let yourself engage in this process without fighting it.
Keep going, and you will eventually succeed and be able to tap into the deepest parts of your imagination and subconscious mind.
5.) Find A Creative Hobby
The subconscious is extremely complex and often not very direct. This means that tapping into it -and the power it holds -often requires approaching it from the rear or sideways. One of the best ways to do this is to access your creativity.
Everyone’s creative. It’s part of our nature. You don’t have to be an exceptional artist to consider yourself creative to enjoy creating. The subconscious mind is the source of all our creativity, which means that engaging in creative pursuits inevitably taps into the subconscious.
Doing this gives you benefits that can go far beyond making art. It can help you solve problems, figure things out, come up with ideas, and more. That is all just from tapping into your subconscious mind. Creating has other benefits too, including stress reduction and relaxation. It’s also fun, something that is extremely important even when you’re a crabby adult.
Most hobbies count as creative hobbies.
The traditional artistic pursuits -painting, sculpting, pottery, and so forth -are all creative, of course, but there are so many more. Did you know that carpentry, blogging, poetry, and gardening are creative hobbies too? So is glassblowing. Scenic travel planning. Hot gluing crafty wreaths, dog training and cooking.
All of the fiber arts, like knitting, spinning, sewing count as creative hobbies. Even coloring is creative. Any hobby in which you make or modify something counts as a creative hobby.
There’s a creative hobby to suit you no matter what your budget is or what your interests are. Look around and try different ones until you find something that catches your interest and creates that “spark” of creativity in you. It doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as you choose one or more that you like.
Do pick a hobby that is different from your day job, however. If you do a lot of writing at your job, pick something not related to words. If you paint for a living, pick something that has nothing to do with paint.
Engage in whatever hobby you choose often to get the most benefit from it. Consistency is the key to this method as with so many others. Try to set aside some time just for your hobby. Even the smallest bit of time is enough to give you the benefits and help you tap into your subconscious.
6.) Get Plenty of Sleep
Sleep has much to do with tapping into that subconscious mind. Know what your conscious mind does while you’re sleeping? Absolutely nothing. It shuts off completely.
Every night your subconscious mind has free rein to control your body and do whatever it wants. Usually it wants to process your memories, emotions and help you repair cell damage, as well as solve problems.
Sleep is one of the best, most unhindered ways to tap into your subconscious simply because your conscious mind can’t get in the way. How many times have you woken up knowing the answer to a question or having an out-of-the-box idea for solving a problem? Your subconscious did that for you while you were sleeping.
We don’t give sleep the respect it deserves. Some fools brag about going without enough sleep as though it’s a badge of honor. It’s not. Not getting enough sleep damages your health, wrecks your job performance, and can impair your relationships. Not to mention that it keeps you from listening to your subconscious.
Our subconscious mind talks to our conscious mind and tells it things (like answers and ideas). It does this through our dreams. To tap into your subconscious mind, you have to get enough sleep.
Most people need between 7 and 9 hours per night. You’ll need to experiment to find out how much is right for you.
Start noticing your dreams when you wake up each morning. Sometimes they seem random and meaningless, but most of the time they are indications that your subconscious mind is trying to tell you something.
Write in your journal and read it back later or use the clarity tools with reminders in the members area and refer back to it later. Paying special attention to the themes, nouns and feelings in the dream. I love hearing about your dreams, feel free to share them in your next private session. There’s usually GOLD in there!
7.) Listen To Your Instincts and Your Inner Self
Sometimes tapping your subconscious mind is difficult and requires that you learn new methods of self-awareness. Sometimes it is absurdly simple. As in, all you need to do is learn to actually listen to it.
Your subconscious mind wants to communicate with your conscious mind. It is designed to do so, after all.
Two of those ridiculous notions are that instincts are not real, or at least cannot be trusted, and that we do not have an inner voice that tries to guide us. Neither one of those is true.
What those things are is your subconscious mind trying to communicate with you. It can’t do it directly -the subconscious is rarely able to speak in words and never in a conversational manner -so it does so indirectly by giving you hints and clues. Symbols. Signs.
What this means is that you don’t need to learn any fancy convoluted binaural trademarked techniques or methods to begin tapping into your subconscious. The best thing you can do is also one of the oldest and simplest methods of learning anything: start listening.
That’s right: taking the time to listen to yourself is one of the best methods for tapping into your subconscious mind.
Instead of ignoring hunches and that little voice inside, start paying attention to them.
Slow down and listen when something inside of you is speaking. It’s your subconscious mind trying to tell you something, and it has a reason for doing so.
This isn’t to say that your subconscious mind is infallible, and your instincts and hunches are always right. Sometimes they will be wrong. That’s unavoidable. There is still a reason for the message, however, and it may be just as important as the message itself.
Sometimes it’s the ‘thing that leads to the thing’.
But you’ll never know what it is- if you don’t slow down and start listening.