Why It Is Important To Build Your Confidence
DEFINITION OF CONFIDENCE: “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”
“a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.”
Confidence is one of the most useful traits a person can have.
A strong sense of confidence is beneficial in just about every area of life.
When you feel confident in yourself, you can face everything life throws at you – the good, the bad, the ugly, and even the very strange! Even when situations get tough, your confidence can help mightily to carry you through it.
Like other traits confidence can ebb and flow throughout life. Hormones and hormonal cycles can affect it too. Sometimes your confidence is at an all-time high; other times, you may feel like your confidence suffered a smackdown.
Everything life brings could cause your confidence to rise and fall, and one of the best ways to protect it is to build it to be strong and durable. Discovering your unique blueprint for confidence is something we can do one on one. But I’m going to share a bunch of ‘Confidence BOOSTS” for you here.
These BOOSTS will compound. Like the more you do them, think about doing them, repeatedly practice them or try them in different situations, the better you get.
The better you get!
Confidence is key to feeling self-empowered.
At the root of self-empowerment is your belief in yourself, your belief in your capabilities, and a high level of self-worth.
Self-confidence encompasses all these areas.
Confidence propels you to feel self-empowered, to speak up for yourself, to stand up for yourself, to dream those goals and desires that make you feel fulfilled, excited or satisfied with yourself and your life. Your confidence gives you permission to do all the things.
It elevates you to a much higher level within yourself , how you’re viewed and received by others and in turn, determines what actions you will take in life..and what happens to you and around you.
Having a strong sense of confidence within yourself is one of the greatest motivators to do well in life. With confidence in your heart, you can push yourself to explore new places and experience new things, enhancing your life with every twist and turn, and probably enjoy it very much.
Self Confidence gives you the internal fortitude to take calculated risks. You can try something new without fear, or fear of of failure or looking silly – even if you do fail or look silly, your confidence allows you to learn a lesson and move forward from what happened so you can keep living your life. Progressing.
People who don’t build their confidence experience powerful limitations.
A lack of confidence can lead to extreme difficulty with feeling empowered at all, and makes it very challenging to make important life changes.
Without confidence, a person can feel totally immobilized and disappointed with life. No good.
Even if you don’t feel like a particularly confident person, it is possible to build more confidence within yourself with these CONFIDENCE BOOSTS.
If you’re having a crap day, try one of these CONFIDENCE BOOSTS and see what happens next. (Share your CONFIDENCE BOOST humblebrag or audacious story with me!
Confidence can present itself in a variety of ways.
A good sense of confidence is built on accomplishment. This doesn’t mean you need to set off and change the world every day, though. Give yourself credit for all the accomplishments you make each day – especially the small ones. Small accomplishments often pave the way to success and getting them done moves you closer to your ultimate goals. Get things done – even if they aren’t big things.
Everybody can experience confidence in their own skin – no major physical transformations required (unless you want to!). An excellent way to build your confidence is by taking good care of your body.
Good physical health keeps your mind and body strong.
This doesn’t mean you need to make any changes to be considered “conventionally attractive” or “more like others.”
For example, you can build your confidence by taking care of your body through…
- Eating a variety of delicious and nutritious foods
- Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Completing your usual hygienic routines with reverence or mindfulness, such as brushing your teeth or getting clean and dressed
- Talking to someone you trust when you’re having a tough mental health day
- Attending all your wellness appointments or scheduled workouts
- Taking a rest or time off when when you feel like you need it
Mistakes can be confidence killers if you allow them to be. Instead of allowing your confidence to suffer whenever you make a mistake, try changing your mindset about how you approach mistake-making.
Instead of allowing yourself to slip into negative thinking or self-talk, focus on what you learned from making the mistake. This is a self-empowering way to look at any of your mistakes or failures.
There’s always a nugget of wisdom tucked inside every failure or mistake. Instead of lingering over your mistake, allow yourself to take that knowledge with you and move forward with life. Change your mindset on making mistakes for a confidence boost.
Many people resist speaking to themselves kindly. This is another major confidence killer. When you speak negatively to yourself, you begin to really internalize and believe those critical words.
Instead, practice talking to yourself the same way you’d speak to a best friend. When your best friend is having a bad day, you likely try to cheer them with positivity and optimism, right? You deserve the same type of treatment from yourself – use the same gentleness when you speak to yourself. Talk to yourself the same way you’d speak to your best friend. Better would be better!
It’s easy to imagine life as a big race. Like everyone’s competing against each other to see who can be the coolest, richest, and most successful. As you watch other people win and succeed, it can be very easy to feel your confidence suffer – especially if you aren’t moving at the same speed as them through your own life.
Comparing yourself to other people is a fruitless endeavor because everyone is leading unique lives. Some people find success earlier than others; some find it later. Because people’s lives are so unique, comparing yourself to anyone else is like comparing apples and oranges. Instead, focus on making your own life shine bright the unique way YOU want it to. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
Life’s truly too short to hang around with negative or toxic people. Surround yourself with people who really believe in you and support you. Boring, negative, toxic people make you feel miserable and low, and supportive and positive people will boost your confidence. Curate an environment that includes other people who are supportive and kind Spend time with people who truly believe in you.
It’s tough to feel confident in a situation that makes you fearful. For example, if you’re terrified of giving a talk on a stage, the idea of actually agreeing to getting on one, mic’d up and flustered under hot spotlights infront of 400 people may make you feel like running away. (Ask me how I know!!!)
However scary some of your (and my) fears may be, facing them head-on is one of the best ways to boost confidence. While it takes some courage and strength to address your fears, the feeling you get once the experience is over is amazing – you can literally feel your confidence soaring. Practice facing some of your fears directly.
- THE OPB (other people’s boost)
Confident people understand the importance of spreading positivity. When someone else in their lives finds great success or meets a goal, they’re some of the first ones to extend congratulations to them.
When you celebrate other people, you’re establishing a culture of positivity and confidence. Not only are you boosting the other person’s confidence with your kind words, but you’re also boosting yours by supporting positive attitudes and celebrations of success. Celebrate other people
If the idea of risk makes you feel unsafe, remember that you can start small with low stake risks. Learning how to take some risks is a great way to boost your confidence. (Also a great opportunity to make mistakes which lead to knowledge..LOL) Some low risk experiments; ordering a dish you’ve never tried from a favorite restaurant, sharing your idea at a meeting, or asking someone on a date. At the end of these types of risks, the worst thing that could happen would be disappointing food or hearing a “no.”
You won’t experience any Earth-shattering changes from these risks, but you will begin to feel more comfortable with considering larger risks. Sometimes risk taking leads to excellent opportunities, but if you never give yourself the chance to take one, you won’t find or notice them. Get comfortable with risk taking.
After getting busted making a mistake, you might feel foolish, embarrassed or ashamed.
Instead of allowing these feelings to take over, making it weird, openly admit when you’re wrong or made a mistake. Doing this may feel awkward at first, but it will eliminate any further damage caused by misunderstanding or lack of self awareness. Secondly, getting comfortable with admitting when you’re wrong helps you understand that making mistakes is a normal and no one’s perfect. This humbling experience can help build your confidence. Practice admitting to your mistakes whenever you make them.
The Bottom Line
Confidence is one of the most powerful motivators in life. Without it, people struggle to experience new things, learn, and grow
Without confidence, people would not allow themselves to explore outside of their comfort zones.
It’s natural to experience ebbs and flows in your confidence levels, but if you realize that you have a serious issue with low confidence levels, it is possible to raise them again.
A sense of confidence in yourself can be built.
Are you ready to feel empowered and channel your confidence?
Confidence is a powerful, inner strength that you have within you. It connects you to the qualities often associated with wisdom, compassion, and resilience. When you tap into your confidence, you allow yourself to feel grounded and empowered, embracing the best version of who you are. This helps you align with your authentic self, where you feel strong, capable, and in control of your life.
Personalized Empowerment sessions can help you build more confidence.
In these private sessions you’ll channel your inner divine power, which includes recognizing your worth and trusting in your abilities. It’s not about being perfect, but about accepting all parts of yourself and using that acceptance to create positive change. Learn more here.
Accessing this power helps you step into your role as the creator of your own life, guiding you toward what you truly want and need. By embracing your personal divinity, you can make confident decisions that align with your highest potential, using both intuition and practical wisdom.
It’s a way of reclaiming your personal power, being true to yourself, and owning your space in the world with grace. When you connect with confidence, you recognize that you have the ability to transform your life and step into your fullest power.