Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Truth Discernment and lightness of Being

Autumn is here.

Leaves begin to fall, pumpkin spice and everything nice.

But besides all that, there’s the ancient art of astrology and the sign of Libra to teach us a thing or two.

The Libra energy of balance, beauty, and truth is personified by archetypal forces.

Let’s begin with Maat and her scales of truth

Ma’at’s the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice.
The ancient ones believe that at the time of death, a human soul comes to her (and Anubis) in the underworld, with their heart out of their bodies and…… in a jar.

They’ll both weigh that heart against a feather.
The feather of truth.

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If the heart is not proved to be as light as said feather, the newly deceased is devoured by the demon Ammit …EXCEPT the heart. It is to remain forever restless..instead of finding peace and rebirth.

Awful isn’t it?

Forever Restless is how we feel when we’re all out of balance.

Find Libra in your horoscope chart. (Learn to read your Astrology chart here)
That’s the place that will be really activated at this time.

I use astrology charts alongside strategic coaching for faster self actualization and insights into your psyche to discover where you can bring ‘balance’ and ‘fairness‘.

These are the same places where you’ll want to use your discernment now.

Do you need to DO SOMETHING to get the love you want, the results you want, the dream you’re chasing?

You’re probably intuiting something right now.

It’s time to prioritize it.

Your heart being as light as a feather is a worthy goal.

Unhook your mind from stress and anxiety.

You’re here on this planet, at this time in space, to enjoy it all.

Create something wonderful.

A business. A child. A great love. A work of art. A garden. A safe space.

Eternally creating. That’s our fate on Earth.

Another ‘Libran’ attribute to consider is beauty.

How to find it, create it, and appreciate it…

Because what you find beautiful reveals a feather of truth about you.

A high, holy, light in your heart.

We have a responsibility to reflect and radiate our unique expression of beauty with the world.

It’s another way to show love.

Right now There is a powerful timing to work with..

Create an intentional plan to share more or receive more beauty, truth and balance…whatever is appropriate.

Here’s one of my favorite practices for making it happen while I’m still alive, with a warm beating heart, still in my body.

It’s simple and painless.

It’s magic.

Learn more here