Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Ditch these Self-Limiting ways for more growth and love


You’re thinking too small.

I am too. We’ve been conditioned to accept what school, society, family and religion has sanctioned as truth on the news. But this isn’t about that.

This is about self-imposed limitations.

These are the types of thoughts that create well-formed beliefs with a pretty convincing backstory about why you can’t.

When you hide out from them, these beliefs can have seriously detrimental repercussions on the ability to be successful in any area of life INCLUDING relationships. The hard part is seeing them.

Sometimes these ‘self-imposed limiters’ can completely destroy any chance of feeling fulfilled or satisfied at all.

Self-limiting behaviors, and the ramifications are damaging on one level the physical health, and emotional stability, and the current mental state, AND your financial situation and even your basic needs and awareness for survival. Sorry to be so dramatic.

Here’s a few things you can do instead…

Stop Self-limiting your physical body.

If you have low self-esteem or only a smidgen of unassuming self-confidence -you might be self-limiting.

If you’re continuously “body shaming” yourself, you’re also unknowingly imposing limitations on yourself. This will prevent you from being healthy in the physiological sense. Make sense?

If you tell yourself internally, or out-loud, that you can’t change, you’ve got no self-control or will power to shift whatever ‘bad’ habits that you have… or that you never have the physical energy or strength to participate in any kind of activity that involves exercise or FUN…You get to prove yourself right, cause that’s what you’ll probably get.

If you routinely express unkind judgement about your body, it’s ability to heal or function properly -you limit what is possible for you.

I believe the body is miraculous.

Your health and body are sacred and important.

Our physical world, including your body is affected by so many environmental stressors ….don’t make it worse! I have more to say about healing and wellness, and I know what it’s like to suffer, feel lame, be sick and then come back from that with greater respect for my body.

You’re capable of mastering your own thoughts and daily routines that support your body too. The Cosmic Self Care sanctuary offers many ways to do this.

Time to Stop self-Limiting Thinking

If you consistently weigh yourself down with self-limiting behavior, you’re probably also imposing a mental “ceiling” of sorts like maybe you’re incapable of a certain level of success – and taking it or believing it as a fact.

You’re literally limiting how you view your mental acuity.

We all do it to some degree. Growing up, I was told cruelly inaccurate things about myself…so for me, and maybe for you too, it’s just smart to stop the negative inner dialogue.

Get another perspective.

I am good at this.

“Jessamina encourages spiritual progression in a way that is empowering, because of the hands on and practical application her lessons have in everyday life. 
She offers tools for understanding, enjoyment, connection and the wisdom that self discovery and self care are the first steps towards experiencing this beautiful life to its fullest.
It is said that a great teacher doesn’t tell you what to see, they just take you to the best vantage point to experience the view. This is where a journey with Jessamina begins.
Highly recommend for those who want to joyfully explore and expand their experience here on this pale blue dot our bodies call home.” Rev. April Smith

If you have repeatedly experienced tragic manifestations of self-limiting behavior….just know…

Anything is possible.

What about self-Limiting emotions?

Is this a thing? yes.

Acute or situational depression is a quite-likely potential when you impose self-limitations too frequently.

Continuously engrained thoughts like“ not good enough” or “not smart enough” or “not successful enough” inevitably becomes an enemy that inflicts far worse damage to your psyche and self-worth than any other outside force.

En Garde!

Emotions are like weather.

They come, they are experienced and they change. There are hundreds of nuances of emotion and they’re all here to help you act in accordance to your highest good.

If you let them.

When you allow any limitations to compromise your wellbeing, it’s time for change.

Don’t give up, give yourself a chance to succeed.

More love is available when you look for higher meanings.

More fun, more energy, more passion in life is available when you can see beyond the self imposed limitations of the mind.

In the Cosmic Self Care membership, you’ll find contemplative prompts and questions that lead to more self-knowing.

You’ll find practices that alleviate stress, tension and feelings of unworthiness.

Some take only minutes.

Some may suggest an overhaul of how you are physically spending your time and energy.

This is a good thing!

To make it easy you’ll find a workshop that helps you bend time for more of what you love….and lots more. Included for all members.

Take a look:

  • MORE practices you can access anytime like sacred dance, mini-workouts, yoga and more
  • MORE ways to manage anxiety and stress that take only minutes to do.
  • MORE opportunities for focusing on your true passions, so you can plan for success & elevate your relationships at the same time…
  • MORE calming prompts and self-guided strategies and meditations that ease your mind through each monthly phase.
  • MORE mindfulness of the seasonal cycles, nature’s wisdom, and astronomical marvels.
  • MORE philosophical contemplation, focus and deep thought that comes through your heart, mind AND spirit…and handy-dandy reminders of your brilliance if you want or need them.
  • MOOOORE Blessings, energy healings and playful prompts. On-demand.
  • MORE COOL STUFF: like, the BONUS Seasonal Time bending workshop, so you can actually find-the-time, relax, flow & prepare for what’s important, along w/reminders if you need or want them.
  • MORE Love, productiveness and creativity flourishing with more ease.
  • MORE self care. Access whenever or wherever. On vacation or hiding out in your car for 5 minutes.