Have you ever found your brain caught up in a negative looping cycle of doom? Where you’re talking down to yourself and every word in your mind points out your flaws and mistakes mercilessly?
Negative self-talk can be insidious and cruel.
It can feel impossible to stop.
It gets in your head from your previous experiences and various negative input from people who don’t always mean well.
Once it’s in there, it plays the same song on repeat, growing somehow worse with every retelling.
It affects your worth, you may quit trying.
Your dreams begin to stall out, and you find yourself doing, growing and enjoying very little..if at all.
We can’t have that!
Take it from this famous innovator who says;
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -which is living with the results of other's people thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -Steve Jobs
Here’s a few ways you can take your life back and put an end to the negative self-talk once and for all:
Find the Calm
First of all, you can’t combat anything when you’re overly emotional and overwhelmed mentally.
So find a quiet place and sit down to take a few deep breaths. If you can, meditate or try a mindfulness exercise until you can reach a peaceful place internally. This is so important which is why every type of practice I’ve created for the self care sanctuary. will help you find the calm- whenever you want.

Next, Notice Exactly What You’re Thinking
Don’t avoid the negative thought. Listen to it. What is it saying?
Whose voice does it sound like? (This is important, often the tone or words used come from the past. Likely from some jerk who said something shitty and insensitive to you.)
Then, Dig into the Roots
Now ask yourself what the thought represents to you. Where did this come from?
Is this from an expectation you put on yourself at some point, or does it come from someone else entirely? Does it still matter?
Drop those Unreasonable Expectations
Are you trying too hard to be perfect in some regard? Judging someone else??? Disappointed with your results? Is there a more reasonable expectation you can create- in the place of this thought?
If you can be objective, you may find that you simply need a new skill. You could set your sights on learning, or perhaps an expert could help you fill in the gaps or see another perspective you’re totally missing.
Turn It Around.
What is the positive counterpoint to this thought? For example, if you’re worried about how bad you are with money, remind yourself of a time when you saved up for something you wanted, or think about a time when you paid off a debt and how good it felt afterward. Look for the evidence of your previous success.
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson
Create a better Habit.
Now, if this particular negative thought is one which comes up often, what could be a new thought you would want to replace it with? How can you make this better thought a habit?
Consider this: the more you react in a new way to an old stimulus, the quicker a new habit is formed, and the old reaction disappears. Creating magical empowering habits is a process, and they can change as you evolve.
Just Stop.
In the end, the only way to get rid of a negative thought is to consciously put a halt to it.
Once you’ve gone through these steps, tell yourself to stop when the idea comes up again, and keep telling it to stop until it goes away completely.
At first, just noticing this will feel like a win. Because it totally is.
Please note: You don’t have to listen to negative head trash, but sometimes it becomes so firmly entrenched you might have trouble untangling and dislodging it by yourself. When this happens, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
As a trusted, kind, certified coach in multiple disciplines, I can help you lay this negative chatter to rest once and for all. Create some time to talk with me here, and I’ll share multiple ways I can help you to heal.
If you love to creatively coach yourself check out the Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary. Anytime.