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Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

How to create order out of chaos- Virgo Season


The Virgo archetype activates the discernment and critical thinking that’s needed for your ultimate well being.

This particular cosmic phase teaches you so much about yourself..

Firstly, the most efficient use of your energy and time, and the best way to prioritize your goals.

The Earth element ruling Virgo (August 22-September 21), symbolizes the container and foundation for it.

The flower Girl by Sophie Gengembre Anderson

Virgo Archetypes you can access now:

The helper, the healer

This you? The helper and healer helps OTHERS out of their chaos and guidance towards order and homeostasis. Make sure to spend some time in your contemplative practices to make sure you’re not overstepping your boundaries (or theirs!) with ‘helping’.

The selfless hard worker.

Right now you can more easily and conscientiously work a little harder to get what you want without burning out. Creating a system that works better than your current operating system is possible now too.

All the agricultural goddesses:

Ceres and Demeter, the Goddesses overseeing the ripening of crops and the inevitable harvest… They remind you to take stock of all that you’ve created and accumulated, metaphorically and literally so you can take care of what’s important.

See what you still need to do. Remediation where neccessary. In the Cosmic Self Care members area you can get clarity, and get reminders too.

The Priest and Priestess, the oracle, the keeper of the temple..and the vestal virgin. 

The primal meaning of ‘virgin’ was originally one of the self-contained being.

Self sufficient.

A master/mistress of your own self. Some of us on this sacred path have denied some of our power and inner-knowing-ness because of past life memory or persecution. Now’s the timing for a healing.

Connect to the elements of your personal safety and wisdom for greater illumination and on-point intuitive messages.

You could try the elemental manifesting practice this month in the members area during the new or full moon for extra potency.

Remember, you are the ‘temple keeper’of your body.

Your ‘Virgo within’ knows what’s best for you. Get detailed guidance with do-it-yourself diagnostic tools, and ways to improve your health and weelbeing with your “Cosmic Self Care” member access.

AdiLakshmi and DhanyaLakshmi. Two aspects of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi are the creatrix of creation itself , and as “the nourisher”. You can access both of these aspects through the In the Sacred Dance workshop this month. You’ll learn to access your own reserves of self nourishment while transforming fear through gentle grace and powerful protection.

Flowing movements that invoke a meditative state. Get moving, feels good.

Ok, Stay calm now, cause there’s a downside to this timing too.

Here’s What to watch out for:

Everyone elses’s ‘inner Virgo’ will be activated now as be aware of these negative aspects looks like; too much sacrifice, negative self-talk, undermining yourself and others. Here’s a few more…

The New moon September 1-5 enhances and amplifies these attributes

Any anxiety you might have is already pointing at the things that aren’t working….this is actually a good thing!

Virgo Season’s a wonderful opportunity to create some order out of chaos for seemingly small things too:

To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization.” Harriet Beecher Stowe (Virgo Rising)


So…Here’s some seemingly little things that could be epic..

Organize your wardrobe for less stress

Seasonal changes are inevitable.

How is the climate changing where you live?

It’s getting cooler in the early mornings for me now, and rather than grabbing my husband’s oversize flannel it’s time to find a stylish grab-n-go for myself that looks good on my morning walks with my dog.

Organizing clothing, and maybe even storing away some of your summer faves can create a sense of calm when you’re in a rush. Less clutter to look through saves time.

Coming up with some fresh ways to pull together some great looking outfits is time well spent.

Even if it’s just for another zoom meeting.

Oh, and if your fashion just doesn’t fit anymore, or the style looks terrible on you now- please give it to goodwill and make room for better stuff.

You can use your discerning eye to shop for the pieces that you still require to round out your wardrobe or just make you feel hot and in control.

Reduce the chaos of your Desk

Clear it off!

Feeling focused and purposeful is easier when you’ve got some space to give something important the attention it deserves.

It seems like a small thing, but when you take time to assess and put your most used stuff within arm’s reach, you’re ready when inspiration hits. Creatively or professionally.

Creating calm with a more practical filing system (and for ephemera you decide to keep) feels awesome.

Establishing order makes tending your finances responsibly, often, and on time, much easier instead of the mad rush for last minute (or missed) payments and invoices. (That’s why I use paperbell for my client scheduling and program delivery...easy!)

Success in this lunar cycle- Check out the workshop/process here

Get rid of something

Tidying up and giving away (or throwing away) some of your some of your unloved stuff opens up ‘white space’ in your life and mind, for even more lightness and inspiration.

If you’ve got a confused mass of anything, or a collection that means nothing to you anymore, see how it feels to release it.

Probably great.

Declutter your Mind

Practical, logical (Virgo) thinking is easier if you create a little bit of solitude and quiet time. Maybe you need to forgive some people to finally relax your jaw.

I give this cue in my yoga classes all the time.

Relaaaaax your jaw and breathe deeep.

Guided meditations help keep you detatched from the mundane, practicing self care …yet focused on healing. Now you’re transforming or simply connecting to the divine within.

Your inner critic probably needs a break anyway!

Practice Body Awareness

 Virgo activates your Clairsentient system, and if it feels “off” probably is!

Create time to tune in to your body’s signals. Become more attuned to the body’s wisdom with sacred dance , functional stretching, or gentle yoga .

Learn more about the messages that your holy body wants to share with you. Practice with me whenever it’s convienient for you...or join me live.

Daily Habits that shush up anxiety

 What if you started off with a healthier food shopping list from freshly curated recipes?

Or cleared a nice space for yourself so you can exercise, dance, or roll out the yoga mat whenever you were ready?

What would be different if you just put away the phone a bit earlier at night?

Everyone’s different and what moves the needle towards calm is going to be unique to you.

Self care can be a way you take back your power.


Organizing your life to support who you are, and who you are becoming is easy with the ‘Time Bending for Strategic Self Care’ Workshop.

You’re noticing the palpable shifts in your seasonal routines now anyway.

Why not make it strategic?

Learn more about Time Bending Here

This timing is one of the best in the zodiac for getting organized.

You can increase your efficiency on your path to self realization as the practical wizard you know you are.

I believe in you!

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