Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Path of the Priestess

 Divine Mother,

May all my speech and idle talk be Mantra;
All actions of my hands be Mudra;
All eating and drinking be the offering of oblations unto Thee;
All lying down be prostrations before Thee;
May all pleasures be as dedicating my entire self unto Thee;
May everything I do be taken as Thy worship.
~Swami Radha

I feel that walking the path of a priestess includes many things..
One of the beautiful things that you can do to help  yourself, the world and all of humanity is to expand your ability to heal..Whatever tradition, religion or practices you currently employ for healing can be enormously enhanced by adding healing reiki energy.
Becoming attuned is a beautiful experience in itself, and knowing that you have access to a greater healing ability is wonderful. Whether your intention is to start a healing practice, or help the ones you love with this easy-to-facilitate healing modality, you will be lowering stress everywhere!
That includes yourself, my dear.
When we are relaxed and open, we can both give and receive with Joy.

Go here to learn a practice you can do right now to empower your purpose