Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

How the Capricorn archetype can help you to be more practical, successful and happy


In a world where things seem out of control, it helps to remember and know that there is a divine order.

The planets and astronomical bodies travel in predictable patterns through each of the archetypal signs. Of course our Solar system is spiraling towards an entirely OTHER galaxy at the same time, but whatever.

Coordinating with our Earthly seasonal, solar and lunar cycles is just practical.

I love how the rhythmic cycles of the seasons coincide with the solar and lunar patterns that link up to our very own psychological archetypes. I’m always sharing ways to stay connected to universal mind, without losing your mind.

Here’s the game plan to link up with the Capricorn archetype for more success and happiness. I’ll even throw in “what to watch out for” in this report so you don’t blow it..

Setting up boundaries with your time, attention and consumption is wise. Essential.

Clarifying your relationship to technology, AI, social media and ‘smart’ devices is an important step.

It’ll be easier to do during this Capricorn Timing. Do it before January 19th.

Because Aquarius season begins January 20 and now with Pluto in Aquarius these machines will accelerate and evolve…. Will you? Time will tell.

Time management is not as unsexy as it sounds. I have a unique approach that honors your preferences, energy levels and goals. I call it timebending…You can Learn more here

Here’s the Game plan for more happy relationships

For success in ALL relationships during this timing you must remain constructive not DE-structive.

When triggering feelings or stress strikes, it’s tempting to resort to judgmental criticism and sarcasm or wickedly funny insults.

Especially with an intimate partner, or one that’s close to you…It’s not always easy to stay determined in your mission of unwavering love and kindness. .

However, right now, it’s totally possible to make it more loving than ever before.

Think it’s not possible for you two? I lay it all out here so you can have the type of love and commitment that others only dream of.

Reliability and strength are enhanced during this timing. Your boss and clients love it…and even though it may sound kind of boring…. demonstrations of reliability and strength can be an exemplification of your faithfulness and affection -in your intimate relationships too.

Which is actually quite sexy +powerful (especially for those who’ve not had reliability in partnerships, teams, family or in other romantic relationships).

Particularly so if you (or your significant other) have prominent Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) anywhere in the astrological makeup.

Everyone is truly different, but everyone wants to be treated and loved ‘right’ by their partner/friend/family.

Do you know how you want to be loved?

Enough about love- here’s the game plan for your success

Capricorn timing will help you stay disciplined. The ways you can connect to your unshakable sense of purpose while moving forward on your meaningful goals —as well as your deliciously ‘superficial’ ones lies in clarifying your intentions.

Is there something better? More worthy of your energy?

The answer is always yes.

You could do a deep dive privately with me to create meaningful intentions + self honoring ways to go for them.

You could use the New Year Planning and tracking tools in the cosmic sanctuary.

You could simply use your day planner or calendar, and map out your own way.

The new year is a great time to revisit your desires, wishes and most recent manifestations.

The entire Capricorn season is wonderful for this, but the new moon timing is especially magically- logical and methodical.

Now if last year’s unmet goals didn’t meet your expectations… check in with your heart and gut, are they still important?

Always be acutely aware of the response-ability for what you’ve already committed to.

Your priorities are likely to shift with circumstances and your own energy levels.

Which is why different types of self care is necessary at different times.

Capricorn season brings the gift of willingness, hardworking heroics, and tenacious efforts.

All that + your patient attitude will bring you wins.

Be practical when planning- here’s what to watch out for:

Your expectations. Are you being unreasonable, stubborn, unflexing?

Capricorn’s activating your high expectations and ambition, and also judging what’s good, respectable, and responsible.

This may sound like a lot of adulting energy. That’s because it IS.

But Capricorn can be remarkably playful and funny. You can too.

Your standards. Are you tolerating shabby surroundings or unscrupulous people? Are you chronically unsatisfied with something in particular?

Being too strict and all ‘no-nonsense’ about stuff. SO important to maintain a sense of humor. Life is to be enjoyed, or else what’s the point?

Capricorn is somewhere in your natal astrology chart. It’s where you’re a bit status-conscious. Maybe even a snob (gasp!), it may be just bringing your attention to the things that just aren’t good enough for you. This awareness actually isn’t egotistical at all.

Level up with the new year planner, goal tracking tools and self care practices as part of your COSMIC SELF CARE this month.

Remember, your worthiness comes before your desire.

This can be a tough lesson.

Because if you don’t feel you deserve it you won’t even try to have it. You might not get to desire it or plan towards it either. Level up your self worth, self esteem and confidence too.

I know there may be things in your life that need a specific elevated, upgraded version to be most effective for you- so you can operate on a higher level. It’s different for everyone.

You are awesome, and deserve all the things.

For best results and more happiness during this transit…

Uplevel your daily routine with upleveled self loving discipline.

Make it fun and easy. Why work against the cosmic forces of nature, when you can work with them?

All the self-soothing practices and workshops in the sanctuary help you do exactly that…and lots more.

A goal without a plan is just a wish. -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

XO Jessamina

If you prefer customized-to-you strategies and more support go here .