Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

How This Autumn Moon is creating exciting Polarity In Your Relationships

In all kinds of relationships, romantic or not, the combination of love, respect and common values are what makes it work.

They are the foundations of the very best experiences in life with others.

They create trust.

This is how friendships stand the test of time too.

This is how you find success with your business partners and deep commitment with your lover.

🖤The Hermetic principal of polarity says, 
"Everything is dual
everything has poles
everything has its pair of opposites
like and unlike are the same
  opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree
    extremes meet
all truths are but half-truths
all paradoxes may be reconciled."

But what happens when there isn’t any polarity?

There’s no dance.

There’s no passion either.

It’s Inertia.

No one’s risking making a request or invitation. No growth. Stagnation. No fun.

This is why relationships are a powerful means of transformation. You grow.

Inauthentic relationships are created from your limiting beliefs or fake values that don’t let your true energy shine.

When you’re under stress or feeling protective from past hurts, you’re going to wear a mask.

Hiding your light can create depression, shame and indifference.

None of these are sexy, powerful or fun.

We’re in the Libra season until October 22. It’s an air sign. 

Those wise and windy old trees remind us now …. as their leaves begin floating to the cool ground. It’s time. Autumn is here.

Let go. The old way’s not working anyway.

The tilt of the light has noticeably shifted the wind picked up and the golden sunsets scatter over the mountains. It’s beautiful. yes…but…

It’s change. Can’t avoid it. May as well choose it.

Looking to make a change now?  Just add fire.

Feed and fan the flames with fresh air

Air feeds a Fire. But it can also blow it out.

Every full moon offers an opportunity to connect to the dichotomy of two opposing archetypes and activate them with it’s intense energy.

How you will be affected depends on your own astrological makeup.

You can access these energies and utilize them masterfully with the grace of this full moon.

Full Moon in Aries October 15-18

These are the juicy themes totally worthy of your contemplation!

This full moon offers an opportunity to reconcile each of these concepts.

Back to the wisdom of the Archetypes …

This full moon in Aries is a fire sign, sharing many of the qualities of fire.

Ares, the god of war, exemplifies combativeness. Challenge. Vitality. Vigor. Potency. Virility.

(Chiron, the wounded healer is in also Aries. So invigorating our own chance to heal as well.)

So here’s the cosmic opposition- the Sun is in Libra

Libra’s an air sign, like vibration on the wind..ruled by Venus. Goddess of love.

This energy brings more cerebral awareness and appreciation for feminine beauty, art and fairness in all things.

Ares aries and Venus Aphrodite
Ares/Mars embraces Aphrodite/Venus

So when Venus and Mars get together… it’s hot. There’s the polarity of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Friction. Pressure.

Best practices?

  • You could Enjoy a burst of physical energy. Use your body powerfully. Exercise. Add resistance to your movements, revel in the exertion that you can create with your strength. Practice with me.
  • You might speak up and ask for what you want, especially when the status quo sucks.
  • Successfully Re-ignite or start a romantic relationship, a strategic alliance, partnership or collaboration.

Hot-stuff Aries can provide the fire-power and courage that’s needed to get the results you want.

Results that feels fair, and good.

The Libra Sun will help to keep you balanced.

 Especially when the Aries part of your personality is ready to fight, (consequences be damned!).

Libra polarity offers deliberation, here’s where a well-thought out compromise is totally possible. Win-win.

You have to be willing to be open to those possibilities, though.

 If you can’t see it from a different perspective that feels good, let me help you with this!

Remember, Libra offers a bit of grace, beauty and diplomacy to everything.  So you can trust in the sensibility of not being too impulsive, too suddenly. Especially when it’s just really time to finally just change something you’ve been avoiding for too long. 

As a professional self love and relationship coach I’m a part of a reality filled with more love for all. 

Remember, change is always possible.

Even if you’re the only one interested in change.

Even if you’re resistant to change.

This is the powerful timing to work with your new desires, wishes and wants. Today!

The COSMIC SELF CARE membership has many ways, opportunities, and practices for figuring out what you want, how to get it, and how to stay stress-free while you create YOUR new reality. More info here.