Freedom from the tyranny of negativity opens you up to new possibilities.
Don’t believe me? When you think of something wonderful or crappy that happened to you -or around you, what are you associating with it? A feeling? A thought?
This is one of the best timings to try optimism.
Especially time to expand your philosophical views if you’re feeling pessimistic.
Time for trying something new. Did you know that trying something new helps you feel more confident? It boosts your self-esteem and drives away anxiety, specifically in social settings.
The exciting part is that it doesn’t matter whether you succeed or fail. The point is to set up a goal or experience for yourself, step outside your comfort zone, and live life with the best intentions.
<<<HAIKU>>> Possibility. The forces of the universe swelling and aching
Think of creating big space (in your heart + in your world) as you draw the bow (of your focus) back. Expanding your heart. Taking aim. Using your breath.
But gratitude first.
If you can acknowledge anything you’ve already received or experienced…specially stuff that even remotely looks like the things you’re still wanting and desiring- this also will help your optimistic thinking and focus. Then you’re more likely to hit that target.
The Intention Generator Tool makes this easier. Cosmic Self Care members get this tool + lots more goodies for you and your well-being.
Focusing on your gratitude and any past successes opens and encourages things that you want to expand in your life …
The alternative often looks and feels like frustrated anger, self-doubt or disappointment.
180 degrees from that is compassion, forgiveness and wisdom. They’ve both got a way of growing in your heart as you face your own darkness….creating irreversible deep understanding on more and more levels.
Makes you ripe for healing too.
Healing is a part of your adventure whether you realize it or not.
The daring is in the releasing.
This timing is an opportunity to widen your vision for the future the way you’d really like it to be- Your relationships, habits, the way you spend your time...they’re all a part of your vision. Your perspective too.
It’s OK to want change and not even dare to know how to make it happen.
Two gifts of Sagittarius season are fiery focus and very wide perspective. Sometimes too wide. Be careful.
Sagittarius season is also all about freedom and expansion.
The forces of the universe are swelling with possibility and asking for your input.
When you expand your ideas & philosophies about yourself to include what you’d like to become– then magic happens.
Enjoy the self care practices that will take you further, faster while you’re kicking ass. Get gentle-yet-powerful movement practices for moving your physical energy AND get calming + healing practices when stuff stresses you out. Get priority reminders if you need them, and personal-to-you-strategies for making the holidays delightful. and a ton more.