Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Imagining new life at the culmination of winter

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The deeper levels of your subconscious are bubbling to the surface.

You ready?

Good. This is an opportunity to see where you’ve grown and evolved.

Also peeking at what’s left to examine before the winter’s out.

Have you even noticed?

The skeletal limbs of the trees are budding, just a little..

They’re offering us all hope along with a few really exuberant birds singing loudly.

Listen. Listen.

Be here now.

It’s true, winter time is challenging enough to manage the blues that comes with the season. and if you’ve been feeling dry and brittle…Now’s the time to feel into the liquid deep Piscean energy.

Pisces is a water sign.

The element of water is the sacred elixir of life.

You know this.

Makes up most of our human bodies, and our beloved planet Earth as well.

Water is the most powerful element, because it is perfectly nonresistant.”

-Florence Scoville Shinn

“Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water, yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it.”

-Lao Tzu

Water’s power lies in its patience—it flows around obstacles, wears down mountains over time, and always finds a way.

As a fascinated student of the sciences, you notice right away that it can assume the form of a solid, a liquid, and a gas. It’s Magic. It’s an ethereal mist. AND it’s Programmable. It’s one of the primordial elements that make up all of the physical world.

Water embodies the principle of wu wei (effortless action)—achieving great things without force. Think of a river that carves a great canyon… gentle yet unstoppable.

I intend for each of my low-impact, functional fitness classes to engage your body in subtle moves that heal and strengthen over time, like water shaping stone.

Water is the driving force of all nature.

-Leonardo da Vinci

Ok so let’s dig in to this Piscean archetype .

Ideally it’s a culmination of all the learnings and teachings of the other 11 Zodiac signs.

The cycle’s ending.

What have you learned, Oh, Wise One?

In addition, Pisces “embodiment” brings miracles and compassion. For yourself and others.. and wherever else it’s needed in your life: like, where have you judged, been unkind, impatient or self-destructive?

Not you..Just kidding. I meant, other people…😛

We must allow for more compassion.

Just like streams of water in nature, our emotions also need to flow.

They need outlets too, or they pool up and get murky.

Get sparkling with Cosmic Self Care. Practices and processes to help identify, understand and clear emotion…and more…

Wherever you feel dead and lifeless, allow yourself to imagine regeneration. –Winter’s not quite over. But spring is coming.

As an empathic person whose loved some narcissistic jerks in the past… As a deeply feeling mama who want to make things feel better for you. As a wellness and relationship coach who cares… I have to mention, even though it’s unpleasant…

It’s important to note the unfocused, escapist stuff that comes with this timing.

Especially for those who have elemental water (Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces) prominent in their astrological psyche. Not only can’t they bear to see others in pain, they’ll accept so much suffering in their own life.

Logically this adversely affects self-esteem and self worth -and can make healthy relationships more challenging too.

Strong psychological boundaries and discernment are necessary now. But ironically hard to create or maintain during this timing.

Be aware.

Be persistent in transmitting clearly what you feel, know, envision and experience.

You’ll be amazed at how much better all of your relationships become.

Why would anyone resist joy, abundance or love?

Probably because past patterning left you disappointed, hurt or untrusting.

It happens to everyone at some point.

Don’t give in to fear and run away. .

Twice a month I encourage my clients to re-evaluate their intentions ins specific way, at the new moon and full moon. It’s a rhythmic practice that connects you to the cosmos and the flow of time.

You’re welcome to try out this natural way of goal creating and tracking for yourself in the membership area of the Cosmic Sanctuary. too if you are so inclined….or use your own technique.

Either way, it’s time to let go of elusive dreams that never really felt right.

To begin allowing your imagination to run towards the recognition and direction of new joy.

Being spiritually fulfilled and happy is your birthright.

However, fulfillment and happiness looks different for everyone.

Self care too.

Your preferences are important. This is why I look to natal astrological placements before I ever even talk to a prospective client.

What could serve you best is way different than what someone else requires.

I can see exactly what you love and what’s missing, before you tell me why you’re stressed out or dissatisfied. This saves us both time….But I digress a bit here.

One way or another, your self care must be acknowledged.

Without it, you become resistant to the possibility of enjoyment of anything at all.

You’re risking your health too.

This is also why there’s a variety of different self care practices on the membership site.

It’s a DIY choose-your-adventure type-thing, where you get to choose what serves your body, mind or spirit best and when.

Physical movement, energy healing, and cosmic guidance all in one space.

Choose some exceptional positive thoughts to daydream about. Then you can let yourself create a clear intention, while doing your best to creatively express it.

New life in the heart of winter. Make it easy.

Surrender to your desires, the romance and beauty of life.