🎧Unmute to Listen in and read along 🔊⭐☝☝☝ The deeper levels of your subconscious are bubbling to the surface. You ready? Good. This is an opportunity to see where you’ve grown and evolved. […]
💜Listen Here and follow along below for resources that can help your relationship💙 Even though you value and care for the relationship you have with your partner more than most things on this […]
⭐🔊⭐unmute to listen and scroll to follow along⭐🎧⭐ This timing requires neuroplasticity. The openness to do it different. The magic of your brain grows new neuro-pathways in response to a need. Do […]
UNMUTE FOR YOUR LISTENTING PLEASURE Why It Is Important To Build Your Confidence DEFINITION OF CONFIDENCE: “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.” “a feeling of […]
Listen in unmute and follow along below… Your perception is likely to be challenged. All you thought was real. Meaningful..may not have been what it seemed. This sounds as if it sucks a […]
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, the majority go up in flames by the end of the year, and about a quarter of them last no longer than a week. But goal-setting […]
🔊💜LISTEN AND READ ALONG💜🔊 You’re thinking too small. I am too. We’ve been conditioned to accept what school, society, family and religion has sanctioned as truth on the news. But this isn’t about […]
Success must be defined in your own terms. I’m not going to tell you what ‘success’ looks like. Everyone’s different. Emotional growth and maturity helps you be wise enough to understand your feelings […]
You have to CREATE the time. Bend it to your will! In this interactive playshop you will identify the things, projects and people that are important to you and find time for all […]
Discover the OTHER reasons you might want to prioritize evolution in an important area of your life.
Relationships are critical to our survival as a species. But what about relationship drama and stress? If there’s conflict or disagreements, there’ll be resentment, blame and distance too. Then you’ll wonder what happened […]
You can Practice Yoga To change and heal your body It’s incredibly liberating to think that we can change our health by our conscious movement. This is where the magic happens. Instead of […]
Everyone procrastinates sometimes. some tactics you can use to help yourself stop your procrastinating, and how procrastination actually helps you!
Negative self-talk can be insidious and cruel. It gets in your head, courtesy of your previous experiences, and negative input from people who don’t always mean well.
In this Dance of power you’ll Practice this dance or selected movements as often as possible. Please leave a comment of encouragement or blessing for yourself or the next traveler below
Full Moon Scorpio Integration and Energy Transmission Leave a message, insight or blessing for your next visit and/or the next visitor in the comments
Energy Activation and healing transmission Full Moon Virgo Grounded and Flowing This practice and blessing is designed to quickly:
Every season there’s a group of variables that adds up to STRESS…. it’s stress on top of your “regular stress”. Life can change quickly. A transition from a relationship, project/position, home, health, any […]
It's time to recognize and acknowledge that the long term effects of stress are a very real problem, and then take care of your sweet self more ferociously.