Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Moon Magic and how you relate to time


Pisces Moon Sept 16-19 with Partial Eclipse 9/17 at 8:41 EST

Evolution requires your full attention. Now.

The Pisces moon is oceanic waves of oblivion… or nirvana.

Just because you’re ready to finally detach and let go of old struggle-patterns, there’s a practical voice that says…”Wait. Did you harvest the wisdom of your struggle? Do you understand the lesson? Did you learn something from it?” That’s your inner Virgo talking.

What’s great about this type of self reflection is that it prevents a backslide in to the old way.

This timing is an opportunity to really embody something new.

Even if you’d prefer to only fantasize about what might feel good, you’ll gain much more by running these fresh ideas through your current psyche during this full moon.

Just be with it for a bit.

The analytical Virgo mind can be a tremendous resource, and you still have access to it now before the equinox.

(learn more about your astrological makeup here)

Time to Stay Conscious.

First, be aware, this full moon timing exacerbates all your escapist tendencies.

As attractive as it seems to dissolve into your own favorite flavor of bliss..or stick your head in the sand, the ‘here and now’ of the present moment demands your attention.

There is a healing about to happen if you can feel.

Grounded empaths have no problem with this, but everyone else is getting fundamentally disturbed. Understandably so.

watch out for escapism and addiction, martyrdom and apathy, procrastination and self destructiveness

Time to Manage your stress

Stress management is a strong focus for me personally.

As an extension of my love for family, friends and clients, I focus on personal, practical and playful ways to feel better and call it ‘Cosmic Self Care’.

These simple things work like magic. You can check out the lineup of current fun, relaxing, illuminating practices in the COSMIC SELF CARE members area + Lunar activation practices, blessings and healing energy on demand.

You already know that when you’re committed to growth you’re always looking at upheavals of any sort with a side-eye.

You’re asking your smart-self, “What else could this mean?”.

If you want an insightful perspective shift, go here and we could do this together.

Most of the time, it’s an old stinky pattern of unconsciousness. It might be a painful issue too. However, there’s also a lot of un-consciousness going on as a collective. Careful who you keep company with and listen to.

It takes discernment.

In order to understand more, just know that some of the public data is manipulated for profit and control.

Know that the opinions of others can make you feel THEIR emotional distress (which can easily become yours). Emotional awareness can be a superpower if you can stay a little detached.

Know also, that you don’t have to believe everything you hear..or even see. AI is getting pretty sophisticated!

Time to Trust yourself

The illusion of your current beliefs and how they shaped your reality, up until this moment, wants to be discovered.

Seriously. You don’t have to walk around unknowingly sabotaging yourself. You’re designed for self reflection.

Self assessment is an ongoing process. I know how important it is for you to be decisive in a way that feels congruent with the values you want to live by. It’s easier than you think.

Time to Face the Dichotomy

Know that the compassionate Piscean nature of this full moon is reflecting the light of the discerning Virgo Sun.

We need your critical thinking. Yes, both can exist at the same time.

Takes a bit of creativity and commitment to stay the course of right action.

I know. It can be confusing. These are the themes below and if you can hold each of these-together, you’ll be rockin’ through this transit with great success.

pisces full moon jessamina healing and feeling, attachment and detachment, practicality and fantasy, instinctive awareness and higher consciousness

The current eclipse + planetary retrogrades in Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will likely show how we’ve been fooled, how truth may have been diverted….and which guardrails should be in place.

But more importantly- how to make things right.

Even with glimmers of truth and hopefulness it can be hard to get motivated. Be aware of the tendency to procrastinate and foil your own best laid plans.

Even the super important things that you’ve been truly meaning to get to…and just haven’t. There’s a bunch of ways around this and I share it all in the workshop below.

If you’re a cosmic self care member, you can access it right now!

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