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Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

More vitality from the First Full moon of spring

Full Moon in Libra March 24-27 Eclipse: Mar 25, 2024 at 04:53:16 UTC

Time to get off the couch and feel alive again.

As the light returns from the slower time of year, the wind picks up in powerful gusts.

Spring is a dramatic renewal of nature.

It inspires cyclical self-renewal as well.

Here’s one of the fastest ways to feel more vitality…

Spend some time engaged in movement and exercise you enjoy. Even if an effort to go outside and tip your chin up to the Sun (or full Moon) is the best you can manage today. (Side note: Solar flares and radiation storms.. as well as the robust pollination period can make us…tired, confused or unwell)

Solar Flare Coronal Mass Ejection image by SolarHam

However, if you’re well enough, breaking a sweat is a great physical way to rediscover yourself. When you are feeling especially disconnected, consider a strength workout, passionate dancing, or a long walk/jog/run to get your heart rate up. I’ve been practicing Cardio Yoga and I love it.

As you challenge your body physically, your mind will clear itself of any thoughts and keep you focused on the task at hand. Once you are done exercising, your mind will feel much more focused and cleared, allowing you to rediscover yourself once again.

You can also learn how to actively manage stress, which is helpful for quieting your mind and emotions. This allows you to discover what unique experiences would enliven you the most.

Connecting with nature and seeing what’s blooming can be an act of self care in itself.

Our respect for plant life and trees as part of our reverence for sustained nourishment and survival is a reverent practice in gratitude.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, but Vitality definitely DOES require discipline.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to see what you’re made of. Even if you’re not sure of yourself. Even if you make a mistake… making a commitment to self is what’s key.

That’s what this timing is really about…

When you go in the general direction of your preferences you’re connecting to your authentic power.


The moon is full, round and beautiful in Libra, which is ruled by Venus. Goddess of Love.

This timing also invites you to connect more deeply with your lover, (or your inner lover) and find that passion you thought you lost. Rediscovering the balance AND polarity that makes things sexy and fun

Venus is also a creation goddess that loves beauty. The kind you radiate, create and appreciate!

It’s all holy and good.

Aries/ Mars and Venus Bound by Cupid– by Veronese.

The Sun is now in Aries- the handsome, strong, God of war

Together they’re aspects of a timeless masculine and feminine archetype. Their relationship also turbulent…and complicated. Combining as well as honoring their individual powers can create new life!

It can also destroy, see what to watch out for here. But let’s refocus…..

Renewed sense of life, passion and love. Vitality.

Focused attention on the cosmic alignments, like we’re seeing now with the full moon and eclipse season, can be catalysts for great change and illumination. I use astrology in all my coaching & programs to decipher ways to help you discover what’s truly wonderful about you (and your goals). Faster.

Loving kindness strategies (like the ones I share in the Relationship Magic Makeover) can be implemented right now for amazing passion and intimacy. Even if love’s been dormant awhile. Even if there’s been lotsa fighting and resentment. Especially then.

Balance and fairness is possible with some strategic planning and focus. Especially right now during this transit. Balance. Fairness. Get it?

However, you’re also called to do some self-discovery.

You can have what you want. Your truth matters. Your latent talents matter. Your quickest paths to true happiness connect with the cosmic frequencies of the season.

Aries is the archetype for vitality, self- renewal and growth.

Self-renewal is a restructuring of self.

It’s essential to your spiritual wellness and it is necessary for you to grow in your career, relationships, and in your personal life. There are four key areas for self-renewal – spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional.

You cannot ignore any one of these. That’s why I like to connect them all into potent practices that are fun to do on your own in my membership program. It’s also why I insist on creating meaningful routines for better time management. Even my customized coaching programs will always take all of these into consideration for the best solutions for YOU.

Lean into renewal and learn to continuously reconnect with yourself, your passion, and your purpose.

Self care is a powerful investment that yields great returns.

Manage your stress – and love yourself better. It’s time.

Self care made easy