Every season there’s a group of variables that adds up to STRESS….
it’s stress on top of your “regular stress”.
Life can change quickly.
A transition from a relationship, project/position, home, health, any kinda situation to something new, it’s uncomfortable. Stressful.
You don’t have to let it derail you, because it’s unavoidable.
Things change. The seasons change, changing our biorhythms.
All of these release a flood of adrenaline, cortisol and other stress-hormones that disrupt almost all of your body’s processes.

Here’s how it happens
Have you ever gotten that feeling in your adrenal cortex (⬆ in the center of image above) when you hit the brakes in your car real hard, almost fall(woah!,) or get a real jump scare?
That response is totally normal and is supposed to be temporary.
Essential to your survival in the scope of evolution to keep learning and adapting..
but a constant state of stress. … is really detrimental to your health and immune system.
Here’s what it causes
- Depression– Over 21 million people are dealing with major depression.
- Anxiety– Over 40 million people struggle with their anxiety
- Digestive problems – which are common to most people on the planet
- Weight gain – 41.9% are obese in the US
- Heart disease -the leading cause of death in the US
- Annoying Sleep problems-40 million suffer with chronic sleep disorders
- Debilitating Panic attacks – 18% of US adults have experienced at least one panic attack
- Memory and cognitive impairment– ummmm what were we just talking about?
Those are just a few ways that stress is affecting us all..
As if all that wasn’t bad enough…
Those things I just mentioned have secondary problems, like;
- destroyed relationships
- damaged self image
- poor health
- bad decision making
- crabby outlook on life…nobody wants any of that shit, either.
Did you know that Feelings of love and pleasure can counteract the stress response?
The power of healing touch and healing energy is a powerful remedy for pain and stress.
But even just looking at images of: Hugging, sex, massage, cuddling, canoodling, hand holding, and reiki will make you feel better too.
Yes, Movies totally count.

Exercise and physical activity can raise up endorphin and serotonin levels and feels great. If you actually enjoy these activities, you’ll have an even better stress-reducing response each time. My favorite (enjoyable) workouts are here on demand whenever you want them.
Meditation helps reduce anxiety, depression and pain. When they have a specific purpose, they can be even more effective. Try a guided meditation, silent meditation, or contemplation meditation. You can find all of these types in the Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary.
Creating meaning– it’s uplifting when your values are in line with what you want to see in the world. Clarifying priorities and boundaries will help keep you on track AND manage your stress at the same time. There’s a workshop available now in the members area for just this purpose.
What if I told you that you could do all of these things in The Cosmic Sanctuary. all that and MORE all in one place.