Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

How Emotional Awareness makes you successful

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Success must be defined in your own terms.

I’m not going to tell you what ‘success’ looks like.

Everyone’s different.

Emotional growth and maturity helps you be wise enough to understand your feelings and apply that understanding in your life for more success.

This awareness makes you able to handle difficult situations in a calm, clear, typically non-invasive manner. Responding cooly (or warmly) with a solution is way better than reacting with judgement and stress.

Emotional awareness is also crucial for creating meaningful relationships that you enjoy being in.

Higher levels of self-awareness allows you to identify your emotions and those of others around you. You get to enjoy drama free relationships so you can focus on your important projects and feel more fulfilled.

Several studies have been carried out on the value of emotional growth, especially in the workforce.

Emotional growth is worth your time, because their findings show that the highest performers were those who displayed high levels of emotional maturity.

So, it’s not just about regular intelligence, good looks or performance anymore.

Emotional growth is just as important in both your professional and personal life.

If you master this, you’ll find fulfillment in your most important relationships as well.

5 Ways To Boost Emotional Growth

Let’s dig in to these five ways to boost emotional growth.

1 Be More Self-Assured

Emotionally mature people know how to communicate their thoughts and beliefs in an assertive yet respectful way.

They earn people’s respect because they know they come off as neither being too passive nor too aggressive.

It’s a delicate balance!

Everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach.

Get good at being direct and getting straight to the point. Encouraging questions for more clarity is also great, as long as you know your stuff!

It’s best to honor and consider others’ opinions and respect what they have to offer as well. Which brings us to the next thing.

2 Learn to Listen

There’s a difference between hearing someone speak –and actually listening to what they’re saying. Most people just nod their heads as they wait for their turn to speak.

But actively listening means you pay close attention to what someone is saying before offering a valid response.

You can better avoid any misunderstanding or mix-up that might take place during the conversation when you hone in on the speaker’s nonverbal clues.

This is tough on the phone, I know.

Do what you can with the context you have.

It gets even more ducking ridiculous via text.

3 Maintain a Positive Mindset

Your thoughts determine your outlook on life, which determines your behavior.

Hence, being aware of your mood and doing what needs to be done to have a good day is a great way to boost your emotional growth. Seemingly selfish good news, right?

If you DON’T know exactly what you require when you’re stressed out, or trying to have a good day, I can take a peek at your astrological archetypes and give you some strategies personalized to you and your goals. Let’s talk.

If you need some help getting ideas for immediate self care or have crap self care habits, I created a list of 7 of my favorite ones here. It’s free. Free to implement too.

Get the 7 sacred ways to slow down and relieve stress instantly

4 Be Your Own Motivator

People who work on their emotional intelligence are also self-motivators. They recognize that success comes from the inside.

Here are the most common motivators for elevating or improving your art, techniques, strategies or current expertise.

Motivation helps you set badass goals, do the ‘work’, and get you what you want. You get to remain stoically steadfast in the face of challenges, and you don’t let the bastards get you down.

But ALSO– you know when you’re burning out and need a break.

You can’t wait for others to cheer you on (unless you’re working with me) or for circumstances to magically align in their favor (unless you’re open to aligning with cosmic timings which makes things way easier to stay motivated while connected to meaningful goals).

5 Empathize with Others

Learning how to empathize with others isn’t easy.

Some people are better at this than others.

First, it requires you take a close look at your own emotions and self-worth in each situation. It can be intimidating but once you get a different perspective, it’s quite liberating.

I’ve seen relationships become more loving after years of misunderstandings with an illuminating perspective shift.

Yes. In a flash it can change, it really can be that simple.

These 3 secrets can help!

Empathy is also more about empowerment and emotional strength than anything else. Most empaths think it’s a liability, but there’s nothing better than being able to relate to others.

It’s awesome when you find common ground, based on mutual respect, despite differences in opinion or beliefs. Wonderful things happen when we work together.

A Final Note

Emotional growth, or maturity, is being aware of your feelings and subsequent actions. It’s also how you interact with others and listen to what they’re really saying.

It enhances your ability to empathize with others and get closer and more intimate (when appropriate).

Emotional growth helps your relationships get better. All of them. Your partner, co-workers, clients, friends and family. If you’re looking for some help navigating this, let’s talk.

By boosting your emotional growth, you have a better understanding of how you see yourself and those around you. As a result, you can achieve more and get more of what you want!

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