Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

How this full moon amplifies the polarities that make life exciting


More resources in the links in the blog below👇👇👇👇

Relax if you can.

We are heading into some of the darkest days of the year to contend with. The full moon is a beacon and a reminder of oppositional torque and power against and with current frequencies.

The moon’s light brings awareness to the shadowy parts of our self as well. Like a mirror.

However, consciously working with these forces can be illuminating and liberating.

Full Moon December 14-18

These energetic “negatives” I’m gonna share next give clues and insights into the adventure of your psyche… experienced as the shadow sides of both Sagittarius and Gemini. The two polarities at play this full moon.

See which one gets you in the guts first, so you can move on and get with the good stuff. Here goes:

The crap-parts of this aspect I want you to know about:

  • gossipy talk without tact that doesn’t even solve anything
  • taking unnecessary chances (with your own safety, words or deeds)
  • indecisiveness and mood swings
  • annoying superficiality
  • compulsive eating or compulsive working could also be a default behavior right now
  • invalidating your intuition with logic (which sounds counter-intuitive, right?!)
  • stubborn opinionated zealots (I say, let them be- and follow your own truth)
  • overexplaining (maybe I should just stop here?)😁
  • saying what you think others want to hear…and then being wrong. Gaaa! lol.
  • AND last but not least- the depression tendency – Seasonal affective disorder begins with this timing and you can soothe the stress response with a tiny bit of effort.

So just be aware. That’s all.

And even though it’s crisp and cold out, the fire burns warm and bright inside us all.

Not feeling it?

Read on. Here are some ways to spark the fire and fan the flames.

Let’s get to the good stuff

Now The Sagittarius season is here for your growth.

Everyone’s growth.

This full moon amplifies the interesting polarities I mentioned before that make life fascinating.

See if you can connect to these themes for the next few days..

The Moonrise is an opportunity to connect to some wisdom you didn’t have access to before. Look up!

Because expansion is the overarching theme….not just for you personally, but collectively as well (ex: AI is making shocking advances & billionaires investing in the future that THEY imagine). So to make room for OUR GOOD IDEAS to come to life for the betterment of all, it’s time to focus.

Clear out patterns that confine your unique awesomeness. 

Start by admitting you’re so done with doing things the same way, and be open and receptive to an untried new way…It’s the fast track for a breakthrough

Check your thoughts, see if they are in alignment with what you’re really after, and where you want to be going. When you try the ‘cosmic refining process’ you get real with yourself.

Tell that inner voice that says you can’t have it all to shut the fuck up.

Instead, utilize your authentic voice, words and creativity. Try some of these:

Singing loudly, chanting quietly, humming, or conscious breathing as a cathartic meditation. Totally counts as self care. Each of these bring their own awarenesses too. Leads to the next good thing.

Getting into lively enlightening conversation with a high perspective type person with good intentions . Opens up worlds. Be aware there’ll be shocking stuff that they(and you!) just blurt out during this timing.

Reaching out to the one’s who you want in your life in the next year. Short texts, gifs & funny memes are great…but talking’s fun, and it’s a good way to make deeper connections, even if the conversation’s light and silly -and/or totally serious and strategic to your needs. Letters, cards, and cheeky notes keep things interesting too.

Getting creative by expressing yourself with fun foreign words, self portraiture sketches that make you look like Beavis…or haiku.

by Jessamina

Gift yourself some moments of self care

You have to create those few minutes down-time, it’s busy with the holiday overlay.

⭐Maybe you’ve already done this? If not, check out the Holiday Delight Workshop⭐ It’s included in the members area now through January 2nd.

Helps with time management too.

This is the part of the year where it’s easy to overcommit yourself.

Don’t skimp out on your self nurturing, it can be as simple as saying no to something annoying, or a good and simple little step in your grooming routine that makes you look hot. Upgrade your subscription to access DIY practices for these very things.

I believe that Divine efficiency feels like right action and is possible.

I use astrology to understand your world quickly.

Then varied integrative coaching- together with your preferences of the individuated personality- to create growth and fulfillment. Sounds more complicated than it is.

I feel like it takes me so much more time to explain what I do than to just do it. Good thing I like to write.

This is also why I believe there’s a gentle way to fast change and healing that feels good. It’s exhilarating and feels like a good zing to the nervous system. An uplift of physical energy, mood and spirit.

Everybody’s requirements are different, yet here the season demands more of your presence. Sometimes your partner (or work or mom) is requiring more of your presence too.

It can be hard to slow down enough to make it happen.

That’s why I created Cosmic Self Care. For people who don’t want my perspective or guidance.

Just the uplift.

A collection of seasonally aligned (northern hemisphere) practices for connecting to the resourcefulness of your inner divinity, that spark of infinite power that encourages your growth in all the ways and puts that gorgeous sparkle in your eyes.


Make it all easier, practical and more fun with Cosmic Self Care