Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships
Manage your stress * Enliven your passions, projects and relationships

Your Sacred Boundaries help you heal under the Full Moon

A better balance between your work, projects and your personal life is totally possible with better boundaries.

Did you know that all full moon timings offer an opportunity to integrate and move beyond duality into oneness?

What does oneness have to do with boundaries? Ahhhhh..slow down a little.

Winter itself is a powerful dreaming time, a shift of consciousness. Forced to embrace the darkness and the unknowable… and celebrate, or at the least, NOTICE the light wherever you can find it.

These colder months encourage more stillness, rest, and and contemplation. Sometimes, also, despair and depression, extra-fueled by Seasonal Affective Disorder.

However, you must move and plan for the things you want to see flourish in the new year.

Now you can have success with this, even if you’ve let yourself down with too many yesses to undeserving people and time-sucking activities in the past. 

You’re worth it

You can trust yourself to know which things you can say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to with integrity.

Capricorn is one of the most determined timings out there, so you can tap into the hard-working aspect of your psyche that really does want to make disciplined changes that are for your own good. Now.

Your Health boundaries

Sounds simple, maybe boring, but hydration is important for all of your bodily functions, including your immune system. Start a health boundary that includes taking more frequent water breaks.

Clean water is a magic elixir for emotional clearing as well.

If you’re a water sign (Scorpio, Cancer, or Pisces)..or have strong influences anywhere in your astrological chart, you may need more fluids. Warning:

The Cancer Full Moon makes everyone more emotional. So drink up.

If you’ve not made it a priority before, creating time for enjoyable exercise is incredibly valuable. Many health issues can be avoided when you flood the body with the chemical benefits of yoga & exercise.

The confidence you gain when moving and dancing can show the world an empowered version of yourself that has healthy boundaries and handle stress at the same time.

Relationship boundaries

Overall, try not to let emotional upsets disrupt your peace, especially if you identify as an empath or if other people seem insensitive during this timing.

You can’t control what other people do and say, but you CAN control your reactions, responses and replies to their assholery…

You can more successfully heal your romantic relationships with a few strategic tweaks to your boundaries regarding how you treat yourself and your partner. Identifying, shifting and creating boundaries can make all the difference. More loving experiences will be yours to enjoy. In the Relationship Magic Program there’s a simple template for figuring this out.

Often, with couples experiencing stress and tension, there’s a boundary that one or both have created WITHOUT verbalizing (or expressing some other way) that it’s been trampled.

Remember, not everyone is psychic!

Even if you can intuit that something is off or wrong, you may not be able to put a finger on why there’s extreme reactiveness.

You can certainly improve relationships at work, or with friends and family, when you’re expressing clear expectations and preferences.

This can make everything feel kinder and easier too.

Do it now. The timing is ripe for this.

The Full moon is in Cancer, a receptive, water sign that’s also really intuitive.

This assists in picking up the tone, the hidden truths and real intentions behind words. Finding the words and actions that feel natural to you can be especially transformative and empowering. This is key.

Boundaries around planning and utilizing time efficiently

Wishes and hopes need grounding in a practical AND emotional way.

Planning and plotting the best, most self-honoring path is totally possible when you’ve considered what’s most important to your wellbeing.

You’ll love this interactive workshop that does just that, while enhancing your intuitive knowing. You get to discover your true preferences for greater success, and create boundaries that feel good. Allowing you to express and release negative energy in an empowering safe and FUN way.

Access the WORKSHOP here

The timing is sooo right to really put your energy into this right now. This one’s FREE for members of the Cosmic Self Care Sanctuary

You can also get the ultimate lunch break creator. Available until January 19th.

Try it out in the members area

Go ahead confidently, with steadfast momentum on your life’s purpose. I’m confident you’ll also love the other workshops this month on creating the best self-honoring schedules and routines for your goals.

Not just lunchtime.

What do you do when your goals kind of suck?

Don’t be mad. This is important. Although there’s great goal setting practices available to you in the members area, if you create the wrong goals, or don’t feel ANYTHING when you accomplish them, you’ve created the wrong goals. (ask me how I know! LOL)

So I created an additional resource in the members area for you to get what you REALLY want during this New Year Capricorn timing.

Get the workshops, playshops, templates, healing practices, and lots more for $27.

How you engage with your time is sacred and that’s one of the foundational support mechanisms in the Self care Sanctuary. and I would love to share my favorite evidence based, stress relieving, health enhancing, good feeling, seasonal practices to help you do just that.